Summary: A reading of Ephesians 1:15-2:10 shows you how the power of the cross impacts your life.

Subject : The Cross

Text : Ephesians 1:15-2:10

Theme : The Power of the Cross

Introduction :

Power is a word much loved by us. Who doesn’t love power? We know that those with power have influence. Whether physical, political, financial, military or spiritual power we often find a strong compulsion to search for, acquire and demonstrate power in our lives. We seek power in our lives over circumstances and relationships. The world teaches us that power is good and weakness is bad, power is proof that you have arrived as a success in life, weakness is proof that you are a loser. The one with the power calls the shots and often determines the outcome of things. Gaining power or being affiliated with those who have it too often becomes the goal of our life. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:17-18:

“For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel - not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ should be emptied of its power. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God”

The Cross – a symbol of power! A fashion statement around someone’s neck or as a tattoo maybe – but definitely not power! Perhaps a wonderful emblem upon the highest place in the church for us to gaze upon but who can call that power? When was the last time that you saw someone flaunting an electric chair or a hangman’s noose as a symbol of power? Well they are the equivalent today of what the cross was for many people in ages past. There was an ancient horror and revulsion at crucifixion. In the quarters of the imperial page boys on the Palatine Hill of Rome a very interesting drawing has been found. It dates back to the third century. It is a picture of a crucified man with the head of a donkey and beneath is a boy worshipping him. The inscription reads, "Alexamenos worships his God." Clearly one of the pages was a Christian and the other boys were teasing and taunting him, ridiculing the fact that the Lord of Alexamenos had been crucified. Death on the Cross was a most demeaning death in the past. It was reserved for the basest and worst of slaves and criminals and also for those who opposed Roman rule. To picture a dying man on the cross so torn and tattered that one could hardly recognize Him and to call that power being demonstrated seems to be a ridiculous idea. Yet Paul calls the Cross the Power of God! What cross is this? Many have been crucified upon a cross – some good, most bad, yet none with the power to help you or to change and transform your life as the cross of Christ. You see it wasn’t any cross but the Cross of Christ that makes all the difference.

Proposition :

Even today, put aside every distraction and hear what God’s Word says about the impact the Power of the Cross has over those who believe and walk in obedience with Jesus. Once you have experienced His power, your life will never be the same again! Let us pray. (Lead in congregational prayer).

Trans sent. :

A reading of Ephesians 1:15-2:10 shows you how the power of the cross impacts your life.

Outline :

I. The Power of the Cross delivers you from your past. (Eph 1:19,21-23; 2:5-6)

A. Exposition of Eph 1:19,21; 2:3

1. The Power that defeated all other powers (Eph 1:21-23)

2. The Power that is in all those who believe (Eph 1:19)

3. The Power that is Christ in us! (Eph 2:5,6)

B. Illustration of best friend’s brother with a past that wouldn’t go away.

C. Application

1. You can lead the overcoming life only by being connected to Christ – the source of power.

2. You can experience victory only when you are willing to believe in Christ for help and strength.

3. You can walk free of your past as long as you abide in Christ and He in you.

II. The Power of the Cross defines your present life. (Eph 1:17-18a; 2:2-3)

A. Exposition of Eph 2:2-3

1. The Power that changes the direction of your walk (Eph 2:2-3)

2. The Power that transforms you from within (Eph 1:18a)

3. The Power that comes in knowing God (Eph 1:17)

B. Illustration of personal trials in life.

C. Application

1. You have to walk close to God if you have to get to know Him.

2. You are transformed by ‘taking your cross and following Jesus’.

3. You truly live when you crucify the self and its sinful cravings – thus dying to yourself day by day.

III. The Power of the Cross directs your future destiny. (Eph 1:18b,20; 2:1,4-7,10)

A. Exposition of Eph 1:18b,20; 2:1,4-7,10

1. The Power that raises the dead (Eph 1:20; 2:1, 4-6)

2. The Power that transforms you into who you were created to be (Eph 1:18b; 2:7,10a)

3. The Power that empowers us to do the things God wants us to do (Eph 2:10b)

4. The Power that calls us to walk in the way God has prepared for us (Eph 2:10c)

B. Illustration of personal calling of God that changed my direction in life.

C. Application

1. You no longer have to live in fear of death or of your future.

2. You can reach your potential without the stress to perform.

3. You can live you life for an audience of One.

4. You can walk into this potential future only by following the narrow path – the path of sorrow and suffering which Christ walked.

5. You are not alone for Christ walks with you.

6. You can walk strong because God knows the way you are taking.

Body :

I. The Power of the Cross delivers you from your past (Eph 1:19,21-23; 2:5-6):

A. Exposition of Eph 1:19,21; 2:3:

1. The Power that defeated all other powers (Eph 1:21-23)

The word power used here is translated from the word meaning dynamite power. As you all know dynamite is very powerful and often used to tear down buildings. Often satan builds in people a strong bondage to a sin or habit, he keeps them in chains of regret and guilt and fortifies them against the truth of God that can change their lives and set them free. But there is a power so great that the gates of hell in your life cannot withstand. It is the power of the Cross of Christ! Christ defeated satan and all his forces of wickedness by shaming and making a public spectacle of them as they couldn’t hold Him down in the grave!

2. The Power that is in all those who believe (Eph 1:19)

What’s more? That same power of Christ that defeated satan upon the Cross of suffering, oh! That same power is in you and me and all those who believe in Jesus and call upon His name! That same power of the Cross of Christ that empowers the Christian to victorious living is used to describe the power of the Holy Spirit – the dynamic power of God to take broken and blemished lives and to breathe change and transformation into them!

3. The Power that is Christ in us! (Eph 2:5,6)

But be not fooled or deceived! This powerful life of victory cannot be found apart from Christ. For you cannot live or be raised to a new life apart from Him. Though you be a Christian – O Christian! If you don’t live and move and abide in Christ with that vital fellowship in Him how can you expect to find victory in your life?

B. Illustration:

There are many things that we would like to change about our past. There are mistakes we wish we had never made, words we wish we had never said, things that we want to undo. Often people are cruel as they pin point those mistakes to us and forget that we are trying to get over it ourselves. We look for understanding and cannot find it. We look for compassion in vain. There are memories we want to forget, hurts that never seem to get healed, name tags we want to get rid of and habits we want to break. My best friend’s brother in school was well known as a good sportsman. He shone in every sport he participated in, be it running, basketball, tennis, whatever! But he was equally well known for his bad temper – one that often got him into much trouble and frequent visits to the physical trainer’s office. Things built up to a cataclysmic end one day when he got involved in a quarrel with a boy from another team while playing basketball. There was an exchange of blows and my friend’s brother being the taller and stronger of the two, ended up dislocating the other boy’s lower jaw. He was promptly given a termination certificate from the school. In India that’s the end of your future. No other school will ever accept you again. He ended up joining his father’s business. Today he’s an accomplished businessman with his temper well under control, he’s happily married but ask any of our classmates and they will recall his failure and that infamous moment. That failure defined him – that crime became the name tag around his neck.

C. Application:

Perhaps you are like him this day. Your past haunts you and you cannot seem to be free of it! Maybe in your desperation instead of seeking freedom from sin you have ended up accepting it as your ‘humanness’ and are now living with those sins in a defeatist attitude. May it never be that Christ suffered and died on the cross in vain for you! If you are weighed over by guilt and condemnation today, the Lord is ready to take you in His arms and wash you clean once again. But there are three things you must do this day if you want to be set free of your past:

1. You can lead the overcoming life only by being connected to Christ – the source of power. A chandelier bursts forth in brilliant radiance only if it is connected to the main source of power. Cut that connection and the room will plunge into darkness. Only Christ is able to separate your sin-stained past from you as far as the east is from the west! Perhaps your past keeps haunting you every now and then and surprises you by exposing your vulnerability. Perhaps it is a secret sin or habit that you have struggled to get rid of and feel like you are fighting a losing battle. When Christ was nailed to that cross – He made a powerful statement that if you are willing to see, you will see. That power with which He defeated and shamed evil is the same power available to you to empower you to lead a life of victory and to deliver you from past strongholds. He made a public spectacle of every power that is tormenting you this day and brought them into subjection to His authority. You may ask me ‘then why is it that I am still struggling? Why am I not experiencing this victory you’re talking about? It sounds good but it can’t be real!’ People of God hear me! There is no power without the connection! And how can you be connected to Christ?

2. You can experience victory only when you are willing to believe in Christ for help and strength. Too often we are willing to accept confusing and expensive ideas but we gross over what is basic and simple. You can do nothing to gain this power of Christ except believe in Him as your Lord. You don’t have to go through any rituals or work to earn this victory for Christ has already won it and is more than willing to share His victory with you!

3. You can walk free of your past as long as you abide in Christ and He in you. Too often we Christians think it is enough if we believe in Jesus and that’s it. We have our ticket to heaven! But Christ didn’t come so that you may have eternal life alone but also the abundant and meaningful life and part of that is the joy you experience in overcoming your past. If you must experience the victory of the power of the cross – walk close with the Supplier of that Power – the Lord Jesus Christ! The closer you walk with Him consistently, the greater the deliverance you’ll experience. There is no other short-cut to discovering a constant supply of strength to resist sin’s tempting calls. Without Christ, you are weak. Perhaps you are here today discouraged and wanting to give up – please hold on! Don’t let go! Hold on to Christ the Supplier of your power to overcome. Life’s struggles are not over till you see Him face to face. Don’t be like the runner who gave up running the race because of the fall – is it worth it to give up the race just because of those failing moments when what matters isn’t who comes first but if all who chose to run the race made it to the finish?

II. The Power of the Cross defines your present life (Eph 1:17-18a; 2:2-3):

A. Exposition of Eph 2:2-3:

1. The Power that changes the direction of your walk (Eph 2:2-3)

Once we lead our life as we pleased. The power that enabled us was the power of choice and liberty to do as we desired. But the power of the Cross is different from such a power that is today the standard of the world as it obeys another god – he who opposes Christ. At one point we were content to live in the ordinary life, one that to us seemed natural and like home. Yet this very world which we felt comfortable in with all its false systems, beliefs and principles was a world turned upside down in the eyes of God – one that deserved judgment. But God’s grace and love bore the judgment that we deserved and turned our lives right side up again! Just how did that happen?

2. The Power that transforms you from within (Eph 1:18a)

That change occurred because it wasn’t the world that changes around us – the world still goes on in wickedness. But the change happened within us – those who believed and ran to accept the love of God and His grace for our lives. Paul talks about having the eyes of our heart enlightened – in modern terms we can think about the camera. The quality of the image captured in a photograph very much depends on the light to which it is exposed. The right amount of light brings the image into clarity. So also, Paul talks about our need to have the eyes of our heart enlightened – to see the light that will bring clarity to a very important understanding so that our life can be transformed. What is this important understanding?

3. The Power that comes in knowing God (Eph 1:17)

It is the understanding and knowing of God, His love and grace that alone can save us. This isn’t just a head knowledge of God – but a head and heart knowledge that involves you having a regard for God and more importantly you cherish and love Him and thus pay attention to all that He has to say and do in your life. That’s the power that comes in knowing God – you cannot help but be transformed!

B. Illustration of personal trials in life:

Let me explain to you how the power of the Cross defines how you live your present life. Often we don’t have a clear understanding of God and we misunderstand Him when things go wrong. We are too happy where we are and become uncomfortable when He rocks our boat of comfort. So it was with me. When God called me I resisted His leading to come here because that would mean leaving my home, family, relatives, friends, church and life – those things that I was comfortable with. Those things from which I drew meaning and joy in life. I never realized then that my ‘normal’ life was one that was upside down in God’s eyes. Never the less, He prevailed and I came here. I experienced many painful pruning experiences in my life that began to cut away the cords of false attachment to those things I held dear – not that I ceased to love my family any less but my love for God deepened. I decided then that I will walk with Him to the finish – no turning back. I never realized how often that resolve will be tested! One of my great fears was that I would loose someone I dearly loved while I was here. I would never be able to say goodbye to them or do the things for them that I wanted to do. I had nightmares of seeing my aunt to whom I am very close – in a coffin! I would cry and want to go back home. But God dealt with my fears and continues to deal with other fears. Just about two weeks ago, I got news that this very aunt of mine had slipped into coma for three days. God sustained her through the ordeal and she’s out of it but at great risk still. Oh I cried! For one day, I prayed hard and I wept. Then God stabilized my emotions and gave me strength and filled my spirit with joy that I can go on and focus on what He wanted me to focus on. Once I would have given up – but the Power of the Cross empowers me to go on against the odds and the trials of life.

C. Application:

I am not saying that life is going to be a bed of roses but I am saying that you will find strength to go on because of the Power of the Cross in your life! Maybe you’re going through such moments of uncertainty right now – there is a huge storm in your life and you aren’t sure it will ever blow over. You want to give up! Don’t give up! The waves and mighty winds of trial still know the voice of Him who stilled them those ages past! He who strengthens me to go on – will strengthen you as well. You don’t have to walk through your pain alone – He who bore the Cross is more than able to bear you through this. What is overwhelming today will be a shadow tomorrow – don’t give up living this present life before you because of the tragedies that have hit you or the hopes and dreams that suddenly came crashing to the ground! Allow the power of the Cross to define your present life – let not circumstances define them for you! Instead…

1. You have to walk close to God if you have to get to know Him. You may have misunderstood God and His love for you. But pray and ask God to let the power of the Cross light up your life. Let the truth it represents set you free and its power bring into clarity the heart of God to you. Here is a God who chose not to judge you for all that you did but He gave up His power to suffer and die for you! Oh! There is power in His love! Knowing Him and being known by Him is a far greater treasure than all the treasures of this world and the next put together! What joy comes from walking with Him!

2. You are transformed by ‘taking your cross and following Jesus.’ No – you can never bear His cross which took the weight of the sins of the world. He only asks you to carry your own cross - the one on which you must put to death all that belongs to the upside down world to which you once belonged – those things that you once desired which were contradictory to God’s will for your life. You cannot know God unless you walk with Him and the way He walked in is Via Dolorosa – the way of suffering! But you are not alone – there are many on that path and above all, Christ will be your constant friend and shield.

3. You truly live when you die daily to the sinful nature. Do not think that Via Dolorosa is the path of sorrow alone or that of weakness and suffering. For those who walk in it have found power to go on even when the world is shaken and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. A thousand fell to their left and to their right, but the powers of darkness couldn’t stop their steady progress forward and upward – in fact these very powers of darkness are being torn down and trampled underfoot with every step of faith they take – may you be counted among their number!

III. The Power of the Cross directs your future destiny. (Eph 1:18b,20; 2:1,4-7,10):

A. Exposition of Eph 1:18b,20; 2:1,4-7,10:

1. The Power that raises the dead (Eph 1:20; 2:1, 4-6)

The power of God raises the dead just as He raised Christ up from the dead! There is no one else who can do this. Only God can truly raise the dead by the working of His supernatural force, might and strength.

2. The Power that transforms you into who you were created to be (Eph 1:18b; 2:7,10a)

God didn’t just promise to give us eternal life but He has also called us to a hope. That hope is the hope of continuing to live in salvation – we were once saved but we are also daily being saved and we can be sure that in the future, if we follow Him He will continue to save us from all that hinders. We are called by God to give regard to His salvation and not to take it for granted. God created us for a purpose – it is in and through our lives that He will prove His exceedingly great love and grace. We were once unable to be who God created us to be for we missed the mark and even fell away from the path He meant us to walk in. But His power – the same the raised Jesus up from the dead, now lifts us from the place where we have fallen, sets us on our feet and on the path that we can walk to become the people of God. We are indeed God’s workmanship – created to be transformed and to transform the world around us that one day we will habitate and found the city or the Kingdom of God.

3. The Power that empowers us to do the things God wants us to do (Eph 2:10b)

Once we were inclined to choose evil, now we are inclined to choose good works. This isn’t some external good works where people do good things once in a while for blessings. In is an intrinsic goodness that forms the nature of the person so that doing good works is a natural choice and a life-style and vocation for that person!

4. The Power that calls us to walk in the way God has prepared for us (Eph 2:10c)

So the power of the Cross gives us new life, new character, new motivation and it also gives us a clear path to walk in. We no longer have an excuse because God has already created opportunities for us to live this new and empowered life. It is up to us to make due use of those opportunities through our life and conduct.

B. Illustration:

We knew someone who messed up his life pretty badly. He had dropped out of school, ended up in a reform school and was thrown out by his own family. He approached a close relative of his for help and that relative was moved with compassion for him. This person took him into their own home and made him part of their family. They took care of his medical expenses, his food and other needs. They even helped him look for a job, to get an education and to settle down. But the boy never made use of all those opportunities that they were giving him. He instead threw violent quarrels at them whenever they gently approached him to change some negative attitude that was hindering his future. He began to cheat them, took grace for granted, spoke ill of them, stole things from them and gave them plenty of trouble, even directing the people he owed money to, to this relative of his.

C. Application:

Isn’t that how we treat God? He took us in, gave us a future and a hope when we had none and yet when He corrects us, we think He is unjust and hate Him. We grumble at His gentle nudging to move on from our comfort zones. We are too used and love the life we currently live to allow God to bring us into the glorious future that we can have, if we but allow Him to work in our lives by the power of His Cross! We settle for second best or even for what is detrimental when He has planned for us what no eye has seen or ear ever heard! For it is by putting your life in God’s hands and being transformed by the power of the Cross that:

1. You no longer have to live in fear of death or of your future. Do you know what freedom from such a binding fear is like? I know so I am telling you – stretch forward, move out and into the future God has for you and live with no other fear but that of the Lord. The power of the cross breaks all fear!

2. You can reach your potential without the stress to perform. The burden of the cross is created perfectly for each one of us. We are under no duress to perform or to put unhealthy pressure on ourselves. God who created us, fully knows our potential and our efforts. He doesn’t compare us to someone else but honors even the smallest efforts we make to glorify Him. The power of the Cross therefore relieves stress in your life. We can thus live our lives for an audience of One! So walk into this potential future by the power of the Cross in your life!


By now it is clear to you how the power of the Cross impacts your life. But that power cannot be found apart from Christ. Today, I challenge you to do this if you’ve never done it before:

1. Believe in Christ – you can do nothing to earn His power, its freely given by grace if you believe.

2. Know Christ – make an effort to get to know Christ with your heart and your head. Christianity isn’t a religion it is a relationship!

3. Obey Christ - take up your cross and follow Him day to day and start experiencing the power of the Cross impact every facet of your life!
