I. Read the Text
II. Give the Background
III. Proposition/Focus: Vs 12 "Come and Dine"
IV. Describe a huge, tasty meal
This meal, in order to complete the task that it was designed to do, takes six steps to complete.
V. Divisions
--It must be PLANNED (Expound)
--All parts of meal must be PROVIDED (Expound)
--It must be PREPARED (Expound)
--It must be PRESENTED (Expound)
These four steps are accomplished by the cook
Now the one who eats the meal does his or her part:
--The one eating must then PARTAKE (Expound)
--He or she will find that it PLEASES (Expound)
VI. Draw the parallels
First - God has a meal ready for those that are hungry, those that are tired of partaking of that which sin offers for it does not satisfy the hunger in their hearts. (Expound)
Second - God also has gone through these steps to be sure the hungry has a chance to partake.
--He has PLANNED(Made the plan of salvation) (Expound)
--He’s PROVIDED all the means by which man can be saved (Expound)
--He’s PREPARED the way of salvation for those hungering for something to satisfy (Expound)
--He is PRESENTING it to all of mankind (Expound)
God has done His part - now it is up to every individual to do the rest
--They must PARTAKE of this meal (salvation) (Expound)
--If they do, they will find that it PLEASES far beyond what sin can ever do (Expound)
VII.Coclusion with invitation
*Note: I have found this more effective during the Thanksgiving season because of all the food that is generally on the people’s minds.