Summary: These are the kind of verses we tend to skim over. But to have your name mentioned in the Word of God is no small thing! Paul mentions those who stayed and prayed and one who strayed.

Colossians Series # 5

CHCC: December 10, 2006

Jesus Christ, the One and Only

Glorified in His Church

Colossians 4 (outline adapted from Warren Wiersbe)

Scripture Reading: Colossians 4:2-6


This is the last sermon in our series on the book of Colossians --- which was all about “Jesus the One and Only” Going back briefly through what we’ve learned: (Hopefully some of this will sound familiar to you!)

· In Chapter 1 we saw that Jesus is the Image of the Invisible God

· In Chapter 2 we learned to Accept no Substitute (no human Philosophy, Mysticism , Ritualism or Legalism can ever replace Christ)

· Chapter 3 taught us that Christ is Made Visible in Us (Paul said to throw off the “Grave Clothes” and CLOTHE yourself with Christ)

· Chapter 3 also showed that Christ can be Revealed in our Relationships – especially in the Relationship between Husband and Wife, Parent and Child, and Boss and Employee.

· And finally Chapter 4 shows Jesus to be Glorified in His Church

Paul ends his letter with Greetings from the people who are with him in Rome. Paul often ended his letters with personal greetings. If you read through the book of ACTS and the letters Paul wrote, you’d find that Paul mentions the names of over 100 Christians who worked with him in his Missionary Efforts. You see, Paul was more than a “soul-saver.” Paul was also a “friend-maker.”

Now, I admit that these are the kind of verses we tend to skim over. But to have your name mentioned in the Word of God is no small thing! I’m sure if MY name was written there I’d probably have someone make a fancy calligraphy and have it Framed and put in a prominent place on the wall of my Den. Anyway, let’s see what we can learn about the 11 people mentioned in chapter 4 of Colossians.

We’re going to put most of these people in the category of THOSE WHO STAYED.

1. Those who STAYED

There’s a great value to just BEING THERE. That’s what these men and women did. They stuck with Paul through thick and thin. They didn’t give up and quit.

Starting with verse 7, we read, Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts. He is coming with Onesimus, our faithful and dear brother, who is one of you. They will tell you everything that is happening here. Colossians 4:7-9

(Notice that we were kind to our Scripture Readers today and didn’t ask them to read names like Tychicus --- Onesimus --- Aristarchus.) Tychicus and Onesimus were sent to the Colossian congregation to give a report. Someone had to go in Paul’s behalf because Paul was stuck in a Roman prison. These men were Paul’s spokesmen in Rome --- and now they would carry his report to the Colossians.

I remember back in 1994, when Phil Adams and I went to Kenya to visit the Snyders and bring back a report. What we did was important --- both for the time we shared with Dave and Suzie --- and also for what we could report about work the Snyders were doing among the Maasai. I remember one of the missionaries in Nairobi saying she wished her home congregation would send someone. There is no substitute for a personal visit from someone who is willing to give a good report.

Next, Paul mentions 3 Jewish brothers who stayed with him in his time of need. He says, My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you greetings as does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. (You received instructions about him; if he comes to you, welcome him.) Jesus, who is called Justus, also sends greetings. These are the only Jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me. Colossians 4:10-11

Notice that Paul specifically says they were a comfort to him. These men shared his Heritage as a JEW, and now they shared his Commitment to the Messiah. They must have felt like family to Paul. I am thankful that through the years, our Congregation has always had people who would take the part of being “family” to those in need.

Some of you have the gift of Mercy. You are the ones who take time to visit hospital patients, shut-ins, and others who are going through hard times. You have people into your homes and invest yourselves in the lives of others. This is the way the church was designed to function. Ministry happens when members of the congregation give comfort and help where it is needed.

Paul also sends greetings from our dear friend, Luke, the doctor… And Paul sends greetings TO Nympha and the church in her house. Colossians 4:14 & 15

Dr. Luke and Nympha were probably more financially well endowed than others who worked with Paul. They were willing to share their wealth as well as their time and talents. Luke helped Paul with physical ailments and --- as a well educated and a gifted writer --- he wrote the books of LUKE and ACTS. Nympha provided her home as a place for the Church to meet. This was probably a large Estate that could accommodate a sizeable Congregation. But her ministry was basically the same thing you are doing when you host a Pueblo group in your home.

Over 20 years ago, when I first came to CHCC, I remember hearing stories about a lady named Nora Lebome. She was evidently a sort of mother hen to this Congregation in its early days. Back in 1965 when the church began to build the original sanctuary, they ran into a problem with the Laminated Beams. They had to be returned to the Pacific Northwest and re-manufactured --- which added to the cost of the building.

Well, unfortunately, no one (not even the Bank) thought to increase the amount of the monthly payment on the Loan they took out. So, when the Bonds matured, the Church got a call from the Bank with some bad news. The church needed an additional $10,000 to cover their Bonds.

Nora Lebome came to the rescue by cashing in some stocks and providing the needed cash. She was the CHCC counterpart to Nympha of Paul’s day. Some of you have been blessed with the kind of success and prosperity that enables you to make that same kind of difference in the Lord’s Church.

Well, we’ve looked at several who STAYED with Paul. Now we’ll look at one who PRAYED.

2. The one who PRAYED:

Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis. Colossians 4:12-13

I don’t think you can over-emphasize the importance of PRAYER in the Church. I can think back to a time in our Congregation’s past when we had some very discouraging years. An Associate Minister here had molested a boy. The results of that ordeal not only hurt the victim’s family, but plunged the whole church decline and discouragement. By God’s grace, we managed to survive, but we couldn’t seem to get our momentum back.

Then, in 1998, I received something in the mail that I think was an inspiration from the Lord. John Maxwell (who is the President of Injoy Leadership Training) sent packages to Pastors all over the country. He was encouraging us to find Prayer Partners in our congregations. In fact, Maxwell had asked God to provide more than a million Prayer Partners for Pastors all over the Nation.

Well, I had an “ah-ha!” moment. (Maybe you’ll think it was a “well-duh!” moment.) I thought, “What could it hurt to have people praying for me and the church on a regular basis? Who knows, it might HELP!” I preached 3 sermons about Prayer and talked it up. I asked God to provide me with 3 people who would sign up as my Prayer Partners. When I asked for volunteers, 18 people signed up.

The changes that happened after that were so significant and quick that I will never again underestimate the importance of Prayer in the Church.

· Our finances --- which had been a mess --- suddenly improved.

· Morale went up and all the Negative Talk went down

· Church services seemed exciting.

· The new people showed up --- and they were enthusiastic types who wanted to do Ministry.

Finally we were able to look ahead instead of looking behind. And I honestly can’t point to anything we DID to cause that change --- except that we PRAYED.

Prayer is not just “one of the things we do at Church.” Prayer is the MAIN thing we do. If you think about it, no other organization on earth has been given the responsibility to PRAY. If we DON’T pray as a Church, I’m convinced that we hold God back from doing what he WANTS to do through His Church. Everything we accomplish grows out of our PRAYERS.

3. The one who STRAYED:

The last person we’re going to look at is a man named Demas. Here’s all Paul had to say about him in Colossians: … Demas sends greetings. Colossians 4:14

We wouldn’t have much to say about Demas either if this was the only mention of him. But Demas is actually mentioned 3 times in the New Testament. And those 3 references tell a sad story. In verse 4 of Philemon he is called, “Demas … my fellow laborer.” Then --- in the passage we just read out of Colossians --- nothing is said about him either good or bad. But the third reference tells what became of Demas. Paul wrote these sad words to his dear friend Timothy in his last letter: Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world…” II Timothy 4:10

We don’t know exactly what it was that tripped Demas up. Was it materialism --- did he get too interested in making money and getting “stuff”? Did he fall into sexual temptation? Did he have a falling out with someone in the Ministry Team? Did he become proud and think he was too good to associate with a Prisoner like Paul? Whatever it was, Demas took his focus off of Christ, and ruined his witness.

Friends, what ever else can be said about our life and work in the Church, we need to face this truth: many start well, but far too few end well. What good is it to serve God for a few years --- or even for many years --- if in the end we poop out, fizzle out, freak out, or blow out in a huff?

I’ve been in Church work for a long time now (never mind HOW long). --- and there’s one thing I’ve seen way too often. I’ve seen good, sincere Christian people … people who serve in a Congregation for many years, building it up and encouraging everyone. Then something goes wrong --- (they get angry over something … or they get tired of something … or someone offends them) --- and they leave the church in a way that effectively tears down anything good they had accomplished. In fact, the way they walk out the door taints their memory for everyone left behind.

It seems that we Christians know how to walk in the door Graciously and we know how to serve in the church Graciously --- but some of us need to learn how to walk OUT the door Graciously. I remember what someone told me years ago. He said, “If you leave a church, leave it blowing kisses.” That makes sense to me. I admire people who are able to pull that off. They leave behind a legacy of faithfulness and good-will that carries on long after they go.

Demas stands as a warning to all of us that it’s not enough to START well. We need to keep serving with LOVE and GRACE until the end. When the record of your life is opened and read, what words will be said of you? Will you record read, “… dear friend --- faithful minister -- fellow servant --- one who STAYED and who constantly PRAYED”? Or will it read, “One who has forsaken me, having loved this present world”?


There’s one final name in this list. In verse 17, Paul writes, Tell Archippus: “See that you complete the work you have received from the Lord.”

That is an appropriate charge for every Christian. What is the work YOU have received from God? Let me tell you, whatever your work assignment, it won’t be complete until you leave this world to be with the Lord.

So, until that day, will you faithfully keep doing the work God has given you to do --- This year --- This month --- This week --- Today?