Summary: All great leaders have three things in common . . .

What are the three things that all leaders have in common? They are the three things that Nehemiah did in chapter 1.

1. Nehemiah’s eyes were attentive to needs

Are you asking people what needs they see around them?

Eyes open to needs your children have?

Family needs?

Work place needs?

Church needs?

Community needs?

He was strategically placed in a zone of comfort-Susa

Use your comfort zone for God’s glory- this was his vantage point. Your vantage point allows you to see/hear things no one else will.

When you look at the needs around you, what you see will make you uncomfortable.

2. Nehemiah’s hands were decisive in their action

-Went to the source of his calling

Where do you go with your problems?

Nehemiah had a close walk with God-he went right to God

-Spiritual warfare

Wept, prayed, fasted

You are going to have to cry out for the people

-God is the only one who can meet people’s needs

Nothing that we offer will do it

Nothing else can change things and people

Nehe’s. Research- he found out what was really going one. This is our part of the deal. We need to research what is really going on around us.

How do we meet the needs that God is calling us to?

Do what you can. What can you do now? Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity. Get busy now. God calls those who want to make a difference.

How serious do we take our call?

Do your homework on what it takes to minister in your area of service.

3. Nehemiah’s heart was responsive to God’ leading

Nehemiah had 4months of waiting-maybe you feel like your vision is on hold.

Timing is everything

Children are an 18 year process-under construction

In God’s time he will fashion them to His likeness

If your are going to be the leader God has called you to be, you are going to have to listen to his voice.

See the need, put your hand to the work, and listen for what God wants you to do next.

Pastor Vinnie Cappetta, PhD

Crossroads Community Church

Framingham MA