Principles On Sharing Your Faith
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Practicle insights on how to share your faith. (PowerPoint slides for these talks are available on request - email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
One to One Evangelism
Reading: John chapter 4 verse 1-30.
In our relationship with Jesus we need both to:
• Know him (We do that better by).
• Learn about him (Must always lead onto).
• Live like him.
• All 3 of those things are interwoven and out work themselves in this chapter;
"An unprejudiced mind is the rarest thing in the world"
• Unless you happen to be like the man who said:
• "I am not prejudiced, I hate everyone!"
If we are honest we will admit that we have prejudices:
• My prejudices may not be yours and yours may not be mine;
• But if we are honest we have them!
• And there has only ever been one man who was not - Jesus Christ.
• May be that is why D.L. Moody said:
• "The biggest argument against Christianity, is Christians"
• And yet Moody also said,
• "The biggest argument for Christianity, is Christians."
Because if we get close to Jesus, it will motivate us to;
• Be available for people (like Jesus .........).
• Accept people (like Jesus ........................).
• Win people (like ......................................).
Note: Jesus had at least 4 reasons to reject this lady:
• To be biased, to be prejudiced against her.
• But he breaks, cuts through them all;
(1). First reason he could have been prejudiced was racial:
• Verse 3: "He had to pass through Samaria"
• No self respecting Jew would go through Samaria, they hated each other
• Story of the Good Samaritan had such an impact.
• No such thing; ill: Honest thief!
• From centuries back there had been this feeling that the Samaritans had:
• Intermarried with other nations and they had corrupted their Jewish stock.
• These Samaritans were now half- breeds who had polluted and compromised their faith:
• They were despised by the Jews.
• This was land sandwiched between Judea to the south and Galilee to the north,
• Jews always went around Samaria, they would not voluntarily go through it.
Don’t forget Jesus was a Jew,
• He lived for thirty years with Jewish customs and Jewish ways.
• Throughout his life he constantly saw Jewish prejudices modelled as the norm!
• But Jesus did not take on board any of those prejudices:
• He was motivated by love for individuals – Jew, Gentile...even Samaritan!
• And so he breaks down the first barrier which was Racial:
• Verse 9:
"You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (for Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)”
• If you’ve got a pencil you can mark off 6 times in just five verses (verses 4-9):
• The words Samaritan or Samaria:
• The writer is wanting to get across a point,
• He is emphasising the fact Jews and Samaritans do not mix.
• Yet this Jew does mix with Samaritans!
• Because he saw beyond her national identity and saw the person!
(2). Social prejudice, social barrier (vs 7&27)
• Jesus was talking to a woman,
• Quote: “Big deal you say”, listen it was!
• Woman at the time of Jesus were not treated with any respect at all:
• A popular prayer each day was this one,
• "I thank you God that you have not made me a woman."
• The Pharisees, the religious people,
• Taught that men should not talk to woman on the street,
• Quote;
• "Let no man talk to a woman on the street no not even to his own wife, or daughter, or sister".
• And therefore never a Samaritan woman !!
• Don’t you just love verse 7: "And Jesus said to her".
• Jesus always treated woman as equals:
• He showed respect and courtesy to them and always had time for them.
• Maybe that is why they were his best followers!
• Verse 27:
• "When his disciples returned and were SURPRISED to find him talking to a WOMAN".
• Jesus was prepared to be misunderstood even by his own disciples;
• If it meant he could win this woman to Christ.
(3). Religious barrier, prejudice (Vs 19-20):
• More blood has been spilt over religion than perhaps anything else !
• ill: The very first murder in the Bible was Cain killing Abel over religion:
• That’s why I don’t preach religion, I preach a person - Jesus Christ !!
• Ill: Religion is man working his way up to God, Christianity is God coming down to man.
• Jesus points out to her it is not "Where" but "How" we approach God that’s important;
• And he goes on to say "It is by how you come" that counts.