
Summary: This sermon is about the basic principles of the christian life.













I Thesselonians 5;17

Prayer is a fundamental exercise in the life of a Christian. The Bible says ’ pray without ceasing ’. This implies an unbroken fellowship with God. The lines of communication are always open between God and us. Any time God can talk to us and we can talk to Him.Prayer also includes praise and worship and thanksgiving. This is the kind of unceasing prayer that we are called to offer.


I Timothy 4;8

Piety is the practice of godliness in the life of a Christian. Godliness is the reflection of the character of God in the life of a beleiver. It also reveals a hunger for God in the heart of a child of God.A godly life is a basic requirement in the life of a christian.


James 1; 2-4

Patience is a jewel in the character of a Christian.The Bible says that we can be perfect and entire wanting nothing when we let patience have its perfect work.This patience can only be developed by the trial of our faith which occurs when we fall into divers temptations or difficulties.


Philippians 4;7

Peace is the experience that lifts the christian life into the realm of the supernatural.The peace of God is beyond human understanding.When we are surrounded by difficulties and problems there is no human reason for us to have peace. But we have a secret which is to cast all our cares upon God through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. As a result a divine peace fills our hearts because God is taking care of our problems.


Matthew 5;14-16

Performance refers to a life of usefulness.Jesus said let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven. A life of a Christian should be full of good works .Jesus was constantly doing good when he was in this world.A selfish christian does not bring any glory to God.Everyone can be rich in good works even if they are not rich in wealth or education or position.


Galatians 3;29

Promises abound in the life of a christian. God wants everyone of His children to live in the promises of God. The promises of God pertain not only to this life but also to eternity. He has promised us eternal life.He has promised to be with us always even to the end of the world. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. Thus we are surrounded with exceeding great and wonderful promises and it is the will of God that we live in the reality of His promises.


I John 4;7-8 , Matthew 5;43-48

Passion is a heart of love in the life of a christian. Love is central to the christian life . Love towards God and love towards our fellowman.The love expected of a christian is a supernatural love which extends even to our enemies. Loving those who love us is natural to everyone . But the christian love is deeper than natural love. This is the love which God wants us to display in this world.

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