Preservation By His Unfailing Mercies
Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on May 13, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: We need the mercy of God for our preservation, protection, provision and promotion in all areas of our lives.
Preservation by His Unfailing Mercies
Study Text: Lamentation 3: 21 - 23
- The journey of life is too cumbersome and very difficult to predict. Sometimes, certain unwholesome events come calling, when they are least expected.
-. Most certainly, it is not the strongest of the species that always survive in life, not the most intelligent, but those who are the most receptive to the mercies of God. 1 Samuel 2:9.
- Mercy is a distinctive attribute of the Supreme God that does not allow Him to overlook the helpless in his miserable estate. Numbers 14:18
- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:
1. Scriptural Pattern of the Preservation by His Mercy.
2. Salient Points on the Preservation by His Mercy.
3. Secured Practices for the Preservation by His Mercy.
1. Scriptural Pattern of the Preservation by His Mercy.
-. There are several examples in the scriptures on how God blesses and preserves His people on the platform of His mercy. Some of these include:
1. The preservation and deliverance of the Israelites in the land of Egypt. Exodus 2:23-25; 3:6-10
-. God kept them throughout the troubles in Egypt and the challenges in their journey to the promised Land by His Mercy.
2. The miraculous deliverance of the woman from destruction of the Devil in the Synagogue. Luke 13:10-18
-. The woman was not expecting such a glorious divine visitation after eighteen years of oppression, but was found by the mercy of God.
-. Even the rulers of the Synagogue were opposed to her healing because it was done on a Sabbath day, but they were silenced by the mercy of God.
3. The gracious healing and preservation of the woman with the issue of blood.
-. Jesus was going to a different place entirely at the time this woman had her encounter that put an end to twelve years of pain, shame and unnecessary spending, all through the mercy of God. Luke 8: 41-48
4. The deliverance of Lazarus from the power of death and his preservation for a glorious destiny.
John 11:30-36
-. Everyone already concluded on the case of Lazarus, having been buried for four days. But through the mercy of God, he was raised back to life to fulfill divine purpose.
5. The preservation and deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the burning fiery furnace. Daniel 3:16-25
-. The King thought he had succeeded in destroying the Hebrew men for their disobedience to his other, but the men were preserved and delivered through the mercy of God.
6. The glorious restoration of Eutychus back to life after a shameful death due to his spiritual carelessness.
-. The man was sitting on a window during an all-night service, he slept off, fell down and died. But God showed him mercy, and he was restored back to life. Acts 20:9-10
7. The Preservation of Jehoshaphat and his people after a sudden attack from the enemies. 2 Chronicles 20: 1-20
- It was God’s mercy that supernaturally turned their battles around, to make room for their inexplicable victories.
8. Esther, the common slave girl became the Queen in Shushan palace.
- Among the several hundreds of other beautiful virgins across the provinces, God’s mercy singled out Esther for the coronation, and the King loved her “above all the women” (Esther 2:17).
- When mercy speaks, the most disadvantaged becomes repositioned into the most advantageous estate.
2. Salient Points on Preservation by His Mercy.
-. There are several important truths to note on the preservation by the mercy of God:
1. We are serving the all-powerful God who is rich in mercy. Exodus 15:11; 1 John 4:8
2. God delivers and preserves His people from destruction and the power of the enemies by His mercy.
3. The mercy of God is always available in times of need, sufficient for all needs, and can not fail.
4. The mercy of God flows to His people by covenant with the Blood of Jesus. Hebrews 12:24
5. Faith in His mercy for the preservation of life and destiny affords a great assurance of a blessed and glorious future.
6. God’s mercy is a major all-time need of man, this is because man doesn’t always get what he deserves, but what mercy delivers to him. Romans 9:16
7. Mercy prevails over judgement and brings about justification in place of condemnation. Psalms 136:17-20
3. Secured Practices for the Preservation by His mercy.
- Mercy is not dependent on our ability or strength but God’s grace. Romans 9:16.
- Mercy is not earned but granted by God’s grace alone. Hebrews 4:16.
- However, there are certain things that can position us in a way that the mercy of God will not be withheld from us.
1. Those that know Him and have become His friends. Proverbs 3:1-4.