
Prepare the Way

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus by offering forgiveness through baptism. Jesus takes it further by immersing us in the Holy Spirit and purifying us with fire, leading to healing and transformation.

Prepare the Way

Youth Group Plan: Prepare the Way (Matthew 3:1-12)

Youth Sermon: Prepare the Way


Today, we're going to talk about John the Baptist. You know how sometimes we feel stuck in our problems and mistakes, and we wish there was someone who could help us out? Well, guess what? There is! And that someone is Jesus. He's like a superhero who comes to our rescue when we need it the most.

Jesus is like a superhero who comes to our rescue when we need it the most.

John the Baptist

Our main passage today is from Matthew 3:1-12. It's about a guy named John the Baptist who was preparing the way for Jesus. He was telling people to turn their lives around and get ready for something amazing that was about to happen.

Now, I want you to imagine that you're really thirsty, and all you have is a dirty, muddy glass of water. Would you want to drink that? No way, right? But what if someone came along and offered to clean that glass for you, so you could have a nice, refreshing drink? That's kind of what John the Baptist was doing. He was offering people a chance to be cleansed and forgiven for their mistakes.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit

But John didn't stop there. He also said that Jesus would do something even better. Jesus would give us the Holy Spirit and purify us from the inside out, like a fire that burns away all the bad stuff. That's like taking that clean glass of water and filling it with the most delicious, refreshing drink you've ever had.

So, what does this mean for us? It means that Jesus wants to help us with our problems and mistakes. He wants to forgive us, fill us with the Holy Spirit, and purify our hearts. And the best part is, we don't have to do anything special to get this help. All we have to do is ask.

Object Lesson

Now, let's do a quick object lesson to help us remember this. I have here a dirty glass and a clean glass. I'm going to pour some water into the dirty glass, and you'll see how gross it looks. But then, I'll pour the water into the clean glass, and you'll see how much better it looks. This is like what Jesus does for us. He takes our "dirty", messed-up lives and makes them clean and beautiful.

Practical Life Application

So, here's a practical life application for you: whenever you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed by your problems, remember that Jesus is there to help you. Just like the clean glass of water, He can take your mess and turn it into something beautiful.


"Lord, thank you for loving us and being there to help us when we need it. Please forgive us for our mistakes and fill us with your Holy Spirit. Help us to remember that you're always there, ready to turn our mess into something beautiful. Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Share a time when you experienced forgiveness. How did it feel?

2. How have you experienced the Holy Spirit's guidance in your life?

3. What does it mean to be purified by fire? Share an example from your own life.

4. How can we support each other in our healing and transformation journeys?

5. What steps can we take to become more like Jesus and share his love with others?

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