
Summary: Having our hearts ready for Easter, will make Easter special.

March 16, 2008

“Preparation for Easter”

Matthew 21:1-10

Crowds on Palm Sunday

Jesus allowed the parade

He fervently prepared His disciples

I. Worship

A. Following the crowd

B. What constitutes “real” worship?

1. Intimacy with the Savior

2. Enjoyment of serving

a. Service not a burden or obligation

b. No burnout

3. Service because of relationship

a. Not because no one else will

b. Not because it’s expected

Philippians 2:1-4; 14-15

4. Joy in living for Christ

a. We lose joy when we work outside His plan

b. We lose joy when we do for selfish reasons

c. We lose joy when we aren’t worshipping God as we do.

II. What Jesus taught those last days

A. Sanctity of “the place” of worship

1. Glad for being taught that God’s house was a sacred place

2. Good stewards of what God has provided.

a. Old testament teachings concerning the temple

B. Stressed the importance of Prayer when He called the temple a house of prayer.

C. Importance of faith

D. Story of the ‘moved mountain’

E. The importance of Obedience

1. Parable of the two sons

a. Story of Edgar

III. In reality Palm Sunday occurred because of a preconceived idea that the Messiah was going to be an earthly king. The “worshipper’s” expected that the Roman government was going to be overthrown and they would have freedom from the oppressions of the Roman Empire.

IV. Probably the same crowd who shouted “Hosanna” was shouting “crucify him” just days later.

V. For us, today is a day to examine our expectations of Christ

A. Are we willing to “give up” earthly desires and have those desires replaced with kingdom desires.

B. Will we worship because of Who He is rather that getting a blessing?

C. Will we make Him the King of all of life?

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