
Summary: ‘Preaching Provokes Persecution’ - Acts chapter 14 verses 1-28 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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(1). Iconium – Division (vs 1-7).

• the apostles experienced conversions (vs 1):

• the apostles experienced opposition (vs 2)

• the apostles experienced supernatural signs (vs 3):

• the apostles experienced God’s guidance (vs 5-6):

(2). Lystra – Delusion (vs 8-20).

• a healing of a crippled man (vs 8-10).

• a mistake by the people (vs 11-13).

• an opportunity for the apostles (vs 14-16):

• a time to move on (vs 20).

(3). Antioch in Syria – Declaration (vs 21-28)

• they strengthened the new Christians (vs 22a):

• they encouraged them to persevere realistically (vs 22):

• they organised the Church (vs 23a):

• they entrusted them to the Lord (vs 23b):

• they gave an exciting report (vs 27).



“English a language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages and riffles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.!

• That quote is surprisingly very accurate, of 80,000 English words,

• Roughly 28% originate from Latin,

• 28% from French, and 25% from Germanic languages.


• From French we borrowed the words,

• Ballet, Café, Entrepreneur, Genre, Lingerie, Rendezvous,

• Two other common words that we use often and take for granted as being English,

• Actually, they originated from French words.

• They are, the word “Village” derived from a French word that refers to a group of buildings.

• The word “City” is also derived from a French word that means citizenry.


• When you read the book of Acts, don’t think villages, but cities.

• The church in the Book of Acts was almost entirely urban.

Quote Historian Wayne A. Meeks writes,

“Within a decade of the crucifixion of Jesus, the village culture of Palestine had been left behind, and the Greco-Roman city became the dominant environment of the Christian movement”.

The church began in the city of Jerusalem, and then spread to other cities,

• Including Samaria, Damascus, Caesarea, and Antioch in Syria.

• At least forty different cities are named in the book of Acts.


• In fact, in Acts chapters 13 and 14:

• Dr Luke describes Paul’s ministry in six different cities,

• (Beginning and ending in Antioch).

• (1). Antioch in Syria (Chapter 13 verses 1-5).

• (2). Paphos (Chapter 13 verses 6-12).

• (3). Perga (Chapter 13 verse13).

• (4). Antioch in Pisidia (Chapter 13 verses 14-52).

• (5). Iconium (Chapter 14 verse 1-7).

• (6). Lystra (Chapter 14 verses 8-20).

• (7). Antioch in Syria (Chapter 14 verse 26).


• We forget that Paul & Barnabas are first-time missionaries,

• In many ways they are two novices!

• They have never been in this situation before, and so they are still finding their feet.

• True, they were apostles, men of God.

• But they like us had to live out their faith in changing circumstances,

• Some good sometimes difficult and hard.


• The apostles would have to learn.

• That it is through success & failure, through joy & sorrow,

• And not around it or over it,

• And it is situations like the ones recorded in these chapters,

• That give substance to and make real the teaching of Paul in his letters.

• The New Testament letters of Paul are born out of experience,

• They are not just good theory inspired by the Holy Spirit.

• We would say today, he’s been there and bought the T-Shirt!

• So, having endured opposition and difficult times the apostle Paul could write.

• The advice he gives concerning trusting God and depending on him,

• Come from firsthand practical experience.

• His writings were not penned in a cozy office,

• But at times a prison cell, or when life’s circumstances had been really tough.

Quote Philippians chapter 4 verses 11b-13:

“I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how-to live-in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”.

In the following passage Paul models what he learned:

• Demonstrating the stability needed during life’s ups and downs.

• He shows us how we, too, can follow Christ . . . through it all.


• Alistair Begg (Pastor, author & radio Bible teacher),

• Says that when he is confronted with a difficult passage of scripture,

• He says, “the main thing is the plain thing, and the plain thing is the main thing”

• TRANSITION: I like that, that is good advice.

• And this week and next week with so many verses to look at and so much in them,

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