Preach The Word
Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To show that as a preacher of the WORD, we preach it because we are commanded not when it's convenient for us, we correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction
Do you preach the WORD?
To show that as a preacher of the WORD, we preach it because we are commanded not when it's convenient for us, we correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction
2 Timothy 4:2 (Amplified Bible)
Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching.
As a preacher of the WORD, we preach it because we are commanded not when it's convenient for us, we correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction.
Preach the WORD
A. Author: Apostle Paul
B. Date written: A.D. 65 to 67
C. Purpose: Encourage and instruct a young pastor in his ministerial work
D. To whom written: Timothy
E. Main themes: Faithfulness and boldness in the ministry
F. Keywords:
2 Timothy 2:3 (Amplified Bible)
Take [with me] your share of the hardships and suffering [which you are called to endure] as a good (first-class) soldier of Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:14 (Amplified Bible)
But as for you, continue to hold to the things that you have learned and of which you are convinced, knowing from whom you learned [them],
A. Be prepared - in and out of season
"Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.]"
1 Peter 1:13 (Amplified Bible)
So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert); set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed.
2 Timothy 2:21 (Amplified Bible)
So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.
1 Peter 3:15 (Amplified Bible)
But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully.
B. Correct
"and correcting"
Proverbs 10:17 (Amplified Bible)
He who heeds instruction and correction is [not only himself] in the way of life [but also] is a way of life for others. And he who neglects or refuses reproof [not only himself] goes astray [but also] causes to err and is a path toward ruin for others.
Proverbs 6:23 (Amplified Bible)
For the commandment is a lamp, and the whole teaching [of the law] is light, and reproofs of discipline are the way of life,
Proverbs 15:32 (Amplified Bible)
He who refuses and ignores instruction and correction despises himself, but he who heeds reproof gets understanding.
C. Rebuke and encourage
"And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them,"
It's always balanced. You don't always rebuke but also encourages at times. Make sure as a man of GOD, we are balanced between the two. We are to be the source of encouragement and rebuke as well for GOD is pleased to have us as His vessels.
Proverbs 27:5 (Amplified Bible)
Open rebuke is better than love that is hidden.
Galatians 2:14 (Amplified Bible)
But as soon as I saw that they were not straightforward and were not living up to the truth of the Gospel, I said to Cephas (Peter) before everybody present, If you, though born a Jew, can live [as you have been living] like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how do you dare now to urge and practically force the Gentiles to [comply with the ritual of Judaism and] live like Jews?
Revelation 3:19 (Amplified Bible)
Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude].
Romans 12:8 (Amplified Bible)
He who exhorts (encourages), to his exhortation; he who contributes, let him do it in simplicity and liberality; he who gives aid and superintends, with zeal and singleness of mind; he who does acts of mercy, with genuine cheerfulness and joyful eagerness.