Preach The Word
Contributed by Steve Hereford on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Paul instructs Timothy to Preach the Word. Join Pastor Steve as he shares what that involves.
This morning we are looking at the mandate for all preachers.
It is his privilege, his calling, his directive from the King!
Timothy is to "preach the Word!" That is to be the content of his preaching. He is to preach it "in season and out of season" (v.2). He is to preach when it is accepted and when it is rejected. He is to preach it no matter what the climate or conditions are for its hearers. Because "perilous times" are coming (3:1), and the truth is resisted (see v.8), we, as Timothy, are to "continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them" (v.14). As we go through this text, we are going to see what Timothy is to do regardless of the climate.
I. The Charge (vv.1-2)
"I charge you"
A. It is Serious (v.1)
"Charge" Gr.diamarturomai, It is often translated as "to testify" (Strong).
"In pagan Greek it was used to call the gods and men to witness" (Wuest).
Craig Keener, "An oath sworn by a deity or deities was considered especially binding and dangerous to break; in the same way, a charge witnessed by a deity or deities was sacred and inviolable. A broken oath would be avenged by the god whose name was violated" (IVP Bible Background Commentary).
The word "carries the idea of a forceful order or a directive" (MacArthur).
"It should read ‘I solemly witness.’ This was a serious moment" (Wiersbe).
1. Because of who it is before
"Before God and the Lord Jesus Christ"
"Before" Gr.enopion (compound word) "one who is in sight."
Kenneth Wuest, "It is used of one who does or says something in the presence of someone else, and does it with the consciousness that that one has him in sight and mind. Paul delivered this solemn charge to Timothy, conscious of the fact that he was doing so in the sight of God, and he wished Timothy to ever so regard the charge."
"The expression, "God, and the Lord Jesus Christ" is in a construction in Greek which requires us to understand that the word "God" and the names "Lord Jesus Christ" refer to the same person. The translation should read, "our God, even Christ Jesus," the word "Lord" not appearing in the best Greek texts" (Wuest).
John MacArthur, "The solemnity of Paul’s charge is drawn from the fact that it is tied directly to the awesome majesty of the One who commissions men to divine service. Those who are called to proclaim and interpret the Word of God have the most profound responsibility that the Lord places on any man. It is for that reason that James warns, "Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well" (James 3:1–2). No human being apart from Jesus has ever spoken perfectly, not even the prophets or apostles, except when recording God’s revealed Word. James readily included himself ("for we all stumble") among those who speak imperfectly and who therefore must take special care to prevent their imperfections from clouding their testimony and besmirching their Lord’s name. That responsibility is especially fearsome in that it is carried out in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus."
2. Because of what they are going to do
"Who will judge the living and the dead"
a) John 5:26-27 - For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself, and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man.
b) Acts 17:30-31 - Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.
B. It is Specific (v.2)
"Preach the Word"
"Preach translates the first of nine imperatives Paul uses in this passage, five of them in verse 2 (Preach, be ready, reprove, rebuke, exhort) and four in verse 5 (Be sober, endure, do, fulfill)" (MacArthur).
1. Timothy is to proclaim it as an official spokesman for the King
"Preach" Gr.kerusso, "to herald, to proclaim publicly" (MacArthur).
The word was used of "the spokesman for the Emperior, proclaiming in a formal, grave, and authoritative manner which must be listened to, the message which the Emperior gave him to announce" (Wuest).
"The word is in a construction which makes it a summary command to be obeyed at once. It is a sharp command as in military language. This should be the pattern for the preacher today. His preaching should be characterized by that dignity which comes from the consciousness of the fact that he is an official herald of the King of kings. It should be accompanied by that note of authority which will command the respect, careful attention, and proper reaction of the listeners. There is no place for clowning in the pulpit of Jesus Christ" (Wuest).