
Summary: Studies in the book of Titus. (Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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Background information:

• The recipient: Titus

• The date: a.d.63-64.

• The Letter’s Purpose: vs 5

Essential information:

• (1). The call to serve (vs 1a)

• (2). The call to live Godly lives (vs 1b)

• (3). The call to live hopeful lives (vs 2)

• (4). The call to uphold the Bible (vs 3)

• (5). The call to make disciples (vs 4)


Preach The Word

Reading: Titus chapter 1 verses 1-4.


• In the biography of her father in law, G. Campbell Morgan,

• Jill Morgan says of his preaching:

"His voice is like a stradivarius in the hands of an artist,

it never jars, never becomes mechanical or harsh.

For an hour it sings or thunders, monotone’s or whispers,

but shows no strain or weariness...

His audience is unconscious of the passing of time".


• In contrast to Campbell Morgan;

• One Church member said to their minister:

• “You’ll never know what your sermon meant to me.

• It was like water to a drowning man!”

Now when it comes to preaching:

• Most of us will hit the heights of Campbell Morgan;

• But hopefully we will not be like that last preacher mentioned.

• Remember that although we may moan at preachers & preaching:

• Preaching is still the most popular form of public address.

• It is still true that week by week more people regularly hear sermons,

• Than any other kind of public utterance.

Question: What is preaching?

Answer 1: Let me first say what it is not!

• It is not lecturing.

• Joke: definition of a lecture:

“The art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through “the minds of either”

• A lecture is designed for the mind, the intellect, with the aim of passing on information.

• Preaching goes way beyond that, preaching at the will, the heart;

• It aims of preaching is not just to inform,

• But to correct, to train, to convict and to encourage!

• Quote: The function of a preacher is:

• “To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”

Answer 2: Philip Brooks describes preaching as: “Truth through personality”.

• I like that description;

• God has made us unique with different personalities – he does not want clones!

• And if God has gifted you with the gift of preaching;

• And it is a spiritual gift (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4).

• Not everyone can preach, but if God has given you that gift;

• Allow him to use your personality and style to communicate the truth of the biblical text!

• Now tonight we begin a mini-series on the New Testament book of Titus;

• Question: When did you last hear a sermon from the book of Titus?

• Answer: Me neither! Sadly it is a neglected book!

• Now did you notice that four times in his opening greeting (verses 1-4);

• The apostle Paul makes reference to the importance of the Word of God.

• Verse 1: “For the FAITH of God’s elect”.

• i.e. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God”.

• Verse 1: “the knowledge of the TRUTH that leads to godliness.”

• i.e. Genuine faith produces a transformation– a desire to live a godly life.

• “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

• Verse 3: “By the COMMAND of God our Saviour”.

• We cannot manufacture godliness - godliness is produced in us by the Holy Spirit;

• As we live out our lives in obedience to the Word.

• Verse 4: “In our common FAITH”.

• Genuine godliness demonstrates itself in the Church – with God’s people;

• i.e. In our relationships with one-another (others who have this faith!)

These four statements are a reminder:

• That Paul related everything in his ministry to the Word of God.

• His calling and his preaching depended on faith in Christ.

• And Paul wanted Titus to grasp this fact;

• And to make the Word of God a priority in his ministry as well.

• The local Church needs to be a place where the Word of God is;

• Valued, preached, taught, explained and practically applied.


• There were two doctors with the same name who lived a few doors apart.

• One was a Christian and a lay-preacher, the other made no profession of faith.

• One night a rather sick person, who was also a Christian,

• And wanting help from a fellow believer,

• Knocked mistakenly at the door of the non-Christian doctor.

• “Are you the doctor who preaches?” he asked.

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