
Summary: Standing itself is interpreted as praying, for it is said, "and Abraham rose early in the morning to where he stood, "and there is no prayer but standing." though sometimes they prayed sitting, as David did, 2 Samuel 7:18

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Matthew 6:5-8 (NIV)

5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, the Scribes and Pharisees; whose posture in prayer, the places they chose to pray in, and the view they had therein, are particularly taken notice of:

They love to pray in synagogues and on street corners to be seen by others. It was their custom to pray "standing"; more correctly, it is established by their canons.

"There are eight things a man that prays ought to take heed to do.

Moreover, the first is "standing"; for no man may pray, "but standing"; if he is sitting in a ship, or a cart, if he can stand, he must stand; if not, he may sit in his place and pray."

Several hints of this custom are in the Mishna.

"On their fast days, they used to bring out the ark into the streets--, "and they stood in prayer," or praying; and caused an old man to go down before the ark, which was used to recite prayers, and he said them."


"whoever "stood praying" and remembered that any uncleanness attended him, he might not break off, but he might shorten."

Standing itself is interpreted as praying, for it is said,

"and Abraham rose early in the morning to where he stood, "and there is no prayer but standing."

though sometimes they prayed sitting, as David did, 2 Samuel 7:18 so it is said of R. Jose, and R. Eleazar, that, "they sat and prayed," and afterward rose and went on their way. So it was likewise customary to go to the synagogues and there pray; indeed, they were places built and appointed for this purpose.

"Wherever there were ten Israelites, a house ought to be provided, in which they may go to prayer at every time of prayer, and this place is called a synagogue."

Hence some have thought that such places are here designed, but any assembly or concourse of people gathered together upon any occasion. However, such an interpretation will find no place when the following things are observed.

"Forever let a man go, morning and evening, to the synagogue; for no prayer is heard at any time, but in the synagogue; and every one that hath a synagogue in his city, and does not pray in it with the congregation, is called a bad neighbor."'

6. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Enter into thy closet - Every Jewish house had a place for secret devotions. Their houses' roofs were flat, well adapted for walking, conversation, and meditation. Matthew 9:2 says: "On the roof of the house I lodged at Damascus were chambers and rooms along the side and at the corners of the open space or terrace, which often constitutes a sort of upper story. I observed the same thing in connection with other houses." Over the porch, or entrance of the house, there was frequently a tiny room of the size of the porch, raised a story above the rest of the house, expressly appropriated for the place of sanctuary. This is the place commonly mentioned in the New Testament as the "upper room," or the place for secret prayer. Here, in secrecy and solitude, the pious Jew might offer his prayers, unseen by any but the Searcher of hearts. To this place or some similar place, our Saviour directed his disciples to withdraw when they wished to hold communion with God.

The meaning of the Saviour is that there should be someplace where we may be in secret - where we may be alone with God. There should be some "place" to which we may resort where no ear will hear us but "His" ear, and no eye can see us but His eye. Secret prayer will not be long or strictly maintained without such a place. It is often said that we have no such place and can secure none. We are away from home; we are traveling; we are among strangers; we are in stages and steamboats, and how can we find such places of retirement? I answer that the desire to pray, and the love of prayer, will create such places in abundance. The Saviour had all the difficulties which we can have, yet he lived in the practice of secret prayer. To be alone, he rose up "a great while before day," and went into a solitary place and prayed, Mark 1:35. With him a grove, a mountain, a garden, furnished such a place, and, though a traveler, and among strangers, and without a house, he lived in the habit of secret prayer. What excuse can they have for not praying? Who has a home, spends the precious hours of the morning in sleep, and will practice no self-denial that they may be alone with God? O, Christian! Thy Saviour would have broken in upon these hours and trod his solitary way to the mountain or the grove that he might pray. He did do it. He did it to pray for thee, too indolent and unconcerned about thy own salvation and that of the world to practice the least self-denial to commune with God! How can religion live thus? How can such a soul be saved?

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