
Summary: Have you ever known someone who needs an intervention to prevent damage or destruction? This describes what will happen if God's people in America do not wake up from our sleep and repent of our wicked ways. We need an intervention.

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Intro: This is an excerpt from the Daily Chronicle December 13, 1904 William Stead reports, “Employers tell me that the quality of the work the miners are putting in has improved. Waste is less, men to go their daily toil with a new spirit of gladness in their labour. In the long dim galleries of the mine, where once the hauliers swore at their ponies in Welshified English terms of blasphemy, there is now but to be heard the haunting melody of the Revival music. The pit ponies, like the American mules, having been driven by oaths and curses since they first bore the yoke, are being retrained to do their work without the incentive of profanity.

There is less drinking, less idleness, less gambling. Men record with almost incredulous amazement how one football player after another has foresworn cards and drink and the gladiatorial games, and is living a sober and godly life, putting his energy into the Revival. . . .

How came this strange uplift of the earnestness a whole community? Who can say? The wind bloweth where it listeth. Some tell you one thing, some another. All agree that it began some few months ago in Cardiganshire, eddied hither and thither, spreading like fire from valley to valley, until as one observer said to me, "Wherever it came from, or however it began, all South Wales today is in a flame."

This is a report of what the Holy Spirit did in the revival of the Welsh. With what we face in Carlisle, the US and the world we desperately need a movement of God. Know that we cannot manufacture, manipulate or market the movement of God’s Spirit. Our country as a whole has turned away from following God; there is failure across the board to obey His commandments and live by biblical principles. Why should we be surprised that the morality of the nation is declining? It should be no surprise that the financial condition of the country is in jeopardy.

Some would say that the prescription given in this passage was only promised to Israel. Remember that we are God’s people called by His name. We must stop allowing people to talk us out of and away from the principles of God. God’s principles do not change. Just because some prefer to live in rebellion to God doesn’t change God’s principles. Verse 22 and following of this chapter make it clear if God’s people disregard His direction hardship, trial and ruin would come to them.

Galatians 6:7-9 “Make no mistake about this: You can never make a fool out of God. Whatever you plant is what you'll harvest. If you plant in [the soil of] your corrupt nature, you will harvest destruction. But if you plant in [the soil of] your spiritual nature, you will harvest everlasting life. We can't allow ourselves to get tired of living the right way. Certainly, each of us will receive [everlasting life] at the proper time, if we don't give up. (GWT)

I. God’s question to His people

“If my people will”

What should motivate us to pray?

A) The Call of God

B) The condition of our communities, nation and world

Natural disasters, economic instability, family dysfunction and destruction, terrorist threat, lack of Godly leadership.

C) Biblical warnings of judgment

Why does God allow bad things to happen to His people or any people for that matter? He does it to get our attention in hopes of us waking up! Deuteronomy 8:19-20 God clearly warns Israel and us that if we ignore His warnings we will be judged. Revelation 2:5 a clear word to churches that if we do not obey his commands he will remove the power of His Spirit and the influence of the local body.

II. God’s invitation to His people

What about God has changed? Absolutely nothing! Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus is the same promise keeping God he was for Solomon, for the first great revival and He will keep His word about moving on behalf of His people. Is there something in His way?

A) Loose your pride (humble themselves)

Humbling ourselves is literally putting our lives under the controlling hand of Jesus. We must confess our absolute dependence on the living God. Pride says we have the answers and we can solve our own problems. Humility admits reality short of God’s intervention we are lost and undone. Short of us humbling ourselves and crying out to God Americas days are numbered. The great question is “If people will humble themselves.” Humility is the ability to understand we need God’s help.

B) Let’s get connected (pray and seek my face) 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 34:17, 19

Prayer is humility in action. In prayer we declare God’s worth, beauty and ability.

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