
Summary: As believers, we are expected to cultivate the habit of praising the Lord all the times, because the Lord deserves our praises and He is worthy to be praised all the times.

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Praising the Lord Always

Study Text: Psalms 34: 1 - 3


-. Praise is your verbal and physical response to the greatness of God. It is the recognition and acknowledgment of who God is.

-. Praising God usually has two dimensions: Thanksgiving and Worship.

- Thanksgiving is your response to the interventions, acts and goodness of God in your life. A means of acknowledging and appreciating God for His interventions and blessings.

- Worship on the other hand is ascribing glory and adoration to God over your creation, existence, preservation, blessings, and accomplishments.

-. The Bible instructed and recommended praising God as a worthy responsibility of everyone. This is not only because it is good and rewarding to do so, but also because God deserves and is worthy of our praises.

-. We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Practice of Praising God Always

2. The Purpose of Praising God Always

3. The Power in Praising God Always

1. The Practice of Praising God Always

- As Christ-followers, we build many important spiritual habits into our lives, some of these include: Prayer, Bible reading, Gratitude, Giving and so on. All of these usually play a critical role in our spiritual journeys and wholeness.

- But one of the necessary habits we should all cultivate for our spiritual well-being is the habit of praising God always. It is particularly important when we are facing challenges and passing through difficult situations.

- What makes praise so important for you and for those who follow God is because God inhabits the praises of His people and there will always be Divine Visitation whenever there is heartfelt praises unto God. Psalms 22:3

- Praise lifts your spirit in times of discouragement and unhappiness. Psalm 42:5-6

- There is no doubt we have a lot in our world today to be discouraged about. But the Bible reminds us to both praise God and remember what he has done in our lives when we are down.

- Praising God is so energizing. It takes your eyes off your troubles and puts them on Jesus.

- Praising God will help you to sense God’s presence. God is always present with us, but our praises will create a suitable environment for the manifestation of His presence.

-. The following attitudes and practices will help us in cultivating the habit of praising God always:

1. Always Meditate on the Greatness and the Goodness of God in and around your Life.

-. A sincere meditation on the greatness and goodness of God in our lives and around us will always provoke a genuine praises unto His name.

2. Carefully Study Scriptural Portions on Praises and Characters that Praise God.

-. By meditating regularly on scriptures instructing on praising God, how God was praised and the people that do praise Him in the Bible, you will develop a heart that delight in praising God at all times.

3. Consciously Develop the Attitude of Focusing on your Immediate Blessings.

-. There are so many things we are looking unto God for. Sometimes we are so occupied with our expectations and are unable to recognize our immediate blessings and appreciate God by praising Him.

-. Count your blessings, name them one by each, it will surprise you what God has done. A grateful heart is usually a joyful heart, and it is better motivated to trust in God for the awaiting blessings.

4. Always See God behind every Success and Achievement.

-. Recognize that all that you are and all that you have come from God alone and praise Him for this at all times.

-. This will equally give you hope and strengthen your faith in God in difficult situations and life challenges. Philippians 4:13

5. Turn All your Idle Hours to Hours of Praising God

-. There are so many activities of the day that do not require our active attention and concentration. We can form a habit of praising God alongside the activities.

6. Develop your own Words and Styles of Praising God.

-. When we express our praises unto God in our personal words, songs and styles, it helps better in developing a habit of praising Him.

7. Make Use of Known Materials for Inspiration.

-. There are so many song of praises and hymns available around us. We should use them for getting inspiration and not for pleasure or entertaining purpose.

- The challenge we should all receive is to learn to make praise our natural response for everything we face in life. We should develop the habit of praising God at all times in your life and encourage your family members to do the same, and then you will see the wonders of God.

2. The Purpose of Praising God Always

There are several purposes of praising God at all times:

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