Practical Life Of Holiness
Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God has called us to a life of practical holiness which we have to demonstrate in our thoughts, words and actions or deeds. No alternative to this demand would be accepted.
Study Texts: Ps.15: 1-5, Ps.24: 3-4, Heb.12: 14
-The single, unchanging demand of God for all His children in all ages is that we should be holy. -He commands us to “Follow (pursue, practice) peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord”
-Nothing more is required, Nothing less is sufficient, Nothing else is important
-If we do not understand the meaning of holiness how then do we know when we have gotten it and if we had it already, how do we know when have lost it?
* Holiness is simply Godliness: What are the attributes of godliness: faithfulness, sincerity, love, forgiveness, mercifulness etc. 1Pet.1: 15-16
* Holiness is Christ-likeness in the heart, in action, habit, conversation, motive, disposition, attitude (Heb.7: 26, 1Pet.2: 21, Rom.8: 29)
-Character of Jesus---He was righteous, He was good without ulterior motive, He was not doing good for recognition, popularity or gain. It is not the action, but what is behind the action
Jesus was compassionate, faithful, sincere, honest, just, considerate, innocent, meek, lowly, patience, longsuffering,, loving and forgiving, self-denying, resisting temptation
* Holiness is Christ sermon demonstrated through us and manifested and duplicated in us.
-When sanctification is established in the heart, how should it manifest?
It is manifested in:
(i). Sanctified Tongue—Titus 3: 2, James 3: 2--- (no backbiting)
(ii). Sanctified Temper—Eph.4: 31-32 ( No anger, No bitterness, No hatred against anybody (sinners or believers alike)
(iii) Sanctified Thought—Phil.4: 8 Don’t think on the negative, because –ve thought weakens us and you will not be able to edify one another or raise up the hand of our team members.
(iv). Sanctified Tolerant Col.3: 12-14 (Not sinful tolerant)
(v) (Sanctified Thirst Ps.63: 1-3, Ps.73: 25, Ps.42: 1.
(vi). Sanctified Temple 1Cor.6: 19-20, Rom.12: 1-2, our body must be kept holy and pure.
Some xtian say it does not mater what I do with my body, drink with my mouth, whatever the cloth I wear, whatever I touch with my hands or take with my lips or speak with my lips.
(vii) Sanctified Team. Eph.4: 2-3.
UNITY: You cannot write UNITY without “I” and we cannot have UNITY without “U” and “I”
If you put “I” first, we cannot have UNITY, but when “I” gives way for “U”, there will be UNITY.
UNITED---“I” is standing behind “T” we will have UNITY but
UNTIED---But if “I” says I will go a head of “T”, whosoever wants to join me, let him come and meet me, in that way we cannot be UNITED.
Practical life of holiness is essential for seeing God. 2Tim.2: 19, Heb.12: 14, 1Pet.2: 1 (depart from malice, iniquity, anger, lust etc).
It is possible to have the appearance of Abraham but the heart of Absalom
The appearance of Jude but the heart of Judas
The appearance of Deborah but the heart of Delilah
What is holiness / sanctification
Mt.5: 8, 48 ---purity of heart, and --Perfection of heart, Deu. 30: 6---Circumcision of the heart
1. Symptoms of unsanctified life / heart
The heart is the center of life—Jer.17: 9
-Do you entertain worldly lust and temper in your heart?
-Does your biological body always lust after the opposite sex?
-Do you feel offended when your suggestion is not taken?
-Do you feel offended when you are not taken or chosen for a particular position / office / assignment (Num.12: 1-3)?
-Do you device a self-defense mechanism of retaliation?
-Do you feel unhappy when another person succeeds? Gen.4: 3-7
-Do you draw attention of others for sel recognition and self glory?
-Do you entertain critical and judgmental spirit in your life?
-Do you rebel when you are rebuked or disciplined?
-Do you nurse seniority in your heart in the church?
-Do you desire praise of men because of your achievement? (1Sam.18: 7)
-Are you proud of beauty, privilege and achievement? Prov.16: 5, 18-19
-Do you have a conscience void of offence towards men and God?
-Do you sleep over offences and animosity? Is that sanctification?
-Isaiah 5: 8, 11, 18, 20-22. Isaiah pronounced 6 woes on others (but theses woes were ineffective) until he pronounce woe on himself Isaiah 6: 5.
2. Samples of Sanctified heart / life. (Ps.24: 3-4)
(a) A sanctified heart is a humble heart and not a haughty heart
(b) A sanctified heart is a tearful heart and not a tearing heart (2sam.1: 17-27)
(c) A sanctified heart is a soft heart and not a subtle heart (1Sam.24: 5-7, 11)
(d) A sanctified heart is a tender heart and not a tough heart Deu.3: 21-28.
(e) A sanctified heart is a submissive heart and not a stony heart
(f) A sanctified heart is a thirsty heart and not a thorny heart
(g) A sanctified heart is a perfect heart and not a perverted heart Ps.37: 37