
Summary: Sermon discussing the power we have as believers over the en emy.

I. Introduction:

The spiritual Authority of the born again believer is an aspect of the Christian walk that many of us know very little or nothing about.

Some believe that spiritual authority only belongs to a few chosen people to whom God has given special powers to.

This couldn’t be further from the truth, because spiritual authority belongs to EVERY child of God.

Many of us are taking too much stuff off of the enemy, stuff that because of our God given power over the enemy we DO NOT have to tolerate. (Elaborate.)

It is high time that we tell the enemy enough is enough, back up off of me!!!! I DON’T HAVE TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! (Elaborate)

Talk about how we react when the enemy normally comes at us, how we act verses how we should act. (Elaborate.)


A.) When did we recieve our authority?

When we became new creatures in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3, "God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ!"

Now that we know this, knowing is not enough! It is knowledge that is acted upon that will bring about results!!!

Talk about the difference between knowing & doing.

John 8:32 "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!"

Hosea 4:6 "My people perish for lack of knowledge."

The church is in a sad state & it is because we are NOT ecersing our power over the enemy!!!

We must "Exercise" our power over the enemy!!!

B.) What does "Power" Mean??

Isaihah 54:17 "No weapon formed against me shall prosper!!"

1 Corinthians 10:4 "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but might through God.."

1 John 4:4 "Greater is he that is in me, then him who is in the world!!"


1.)The right to settle issues or disputes.

2.)The right to command.

3.) Persuasive force & conviction.

C.) How Do I Exercise This Power over the enemy??

1.) Don’t be a coward!!!

Don’t ball up in a fetal position, flee, panic, become anxious, alarmed, or cowardly when the enemy comes upon you!!!

He is the one that should be acting like a coward!!!

2.) Know your God given power!!

How do you do this?? READ YOUR WORD DAILY & DIGEST IT!!!

The word is your power, and if you know the word, then you can use the word & the promises, power, & authority that God gave you to talk back to the enemy!!!!

3.) Stop fighting the enemy on his terms & territory!!

The enemy wants to fight you based upon reasoning & in the world. (Elaborate)

Fight the enemy by faith!!! This is God’s way!!! And don’t fight him in the world, take him by calvary & use THE BLOOD!!! (Elaborate.)


III. Conclusion:

You have power over the enemy.

(verse 20) in the text: Don’t rejoice over this power though, yea, rejoice over your salvation, which is most important!!)

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