Power For The Supernatural
Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God wants us to live in the fullness of His power after being saved. When we are filled with His Spirit, we cannot but operate in the supernatural.
Study Text: Luke 5: 15 - 16
- You can live a life of extraordinary, supernatural power! The secret is actually quite simple. God's power is obtained through a lifestyle of intimacy with Him.
- Jesus understood the connection between power and intimacy. So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.
- Jesus was constantly flowing in the power of God and releasing it through His life to others. The level of His anointing was in direct proportion to His prayer life.
- You need to continually develop a lifestyle of intimacy with God. Not only will you experience His tremendous power, but you will also enjoy getting to know Him, walking closely with Him and learning the secrets of His heart. You will discover that fellowship with Him is the greatest joy a person can experience.
- God’s supernatural power is a part of the Life given to us by Jesus . It’s what enables us to be sanctified, to become partakers of Christ’s Life, and what empowers us to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil.
- Let’s delve into the empowering aspect of God’s Life (His dunamis power). Let’s explore what it is; how we get it; and, how we learn to depend upon it.
A. What Is God’s Supernatural Power?
- What exactly is God’s supernatural power and how does it manifest itself in our lives?
- God’s divine power was manifested in the Old Testament by miraculous deeds. A special and sometimes temporary anointing often accompanied these miracles, for example, as with Moses, Samson, Elijah, Elisha, and so on.
- The second aspect of God’s divine power is called “the power of Christ’s resurrection”: “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death” (Philippians 3:10).
- This power is given to every believer by the Holy Spirit at his new birth—it is part of the Life of God that He has instilled and sealed in our hearts.
- Consequently this supernatural power resides in every Christian, but it requires a submitted and sanctified life in order to partake of it.
- Just like God’s Love, it can be quenched and blocked by emotional and “fleshly” choices.
- Paul prayed for the saints at Ephesus to know this kind of resurrection power: “That the eyes of your understanding [may] be enlightened; that ye may know [1] what is the hope of His calling, and [2] what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and [3] what is the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe” (Ephesians 1:18–19).
- The “hope of His calling” (our inheritance in Christ) and “the riches of His inheritance” (our future blessings in the kingdom) are linked here with the “exceeding greatness of His power.”
- God’s challenge to all of us is that we must learn to partake of, rely upon, and be controlled by the exceeding greatness of His power. And, by so doing, we’ll not only apprehend the hope of His calling, but also the riches of His future inheritance.
B. How do we Operate in the Supernatural? :
- The source of all power, therefore, is God. It’s His saving power, His pardoning power (Matthew 9:6),His infinite power (Matthew 28:18), His power over nature (Luke 8:24), and His life-giving power (John 17:2; John 10:10).
- Romans 13:1 tells us, “For there is no power but of God.” He is the One who places rulers in positions of power, and He is the One who controls our lives and our destinies by His power.
- In order to operate in the supernatural we must seek God by His Spirit and not seek after power. When His Spirit comes upon us, the power will flow naturally for the supernatural manifestations. Acts 1: 8.
1. Cultivate God’s presence in your life.
- The more you can cultivate an environment that’s conducive to the Holy Spirit, the more of God’s presence you will carry. The more of His presence you carry, the more power you will have.
- You cultivate this environment by spending time doing whatever it takes to have the person and presence of the Holy Spirit hanging out with you.
2. Cultivate God’s faith in your heart.
- True supernatural faith flows out of the spirit and affects the mind—not the other way around.
- Faith defies logic and natural reality for a higher spiritual reality. It causes natural things to line up with what God has already accomplished spiritually.
3. Add action to your faith.
- The power anointing comes for a reason and has an intended purpose. Isaiah 61:1
- The power anointing for healing and miracles will manifest only if you’re praying for sick people to be healed. You must be intentional in looking for opportunities in which this anointing will be needed