
Playing Favorites

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 9, 2024
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Main Idea: Favoritism goes against God's heart for His creation. We are challenged to see people as God sees them and to live out our faith through acts of love and service, especially towards those society often overlooks.

Playing Favorites

Youth Group Plan: Playing Favorites (James 2:1-17)

Youth Sermon: Playing Favorites


Hey guys, today we're going to talk about something we all see around us - favoritism. You know, when someone gets special treatment because of how they look, what they wear, or who they know. It's not cool, right? Well, guess what? God thinks so too.

Let's dive into James 2:1-17. James, who was Jesus' brother, tells us not to play favorites. Why? Because it's not just unfair, it's against God's nature. God chose the weak, the lowly, and the poor to be part of His kingdom. So, we need to see people as God sees them, not by their outward appearance.

God chose the weak, the lowly, and the poor to be part of His kingdom.

Favoritism and God's Perspective

Now, imagine this. You have two cups in front of you. One is a shiny, expensive-looking cup and the other is a plain, old, chipped mug. You'd probably want to drink from the shiny cup, right? But what if I told you the shiny cup is filled with sour milk and the old mug has the sweetest hot chocolate? That's what favoritism is like. We judge by the outside, but God looks at the heart.

James talks about a rich guy and a poor guy walking into a church. The rich guy gets the best seat, and the poor guy gets told to stand in a corner. Not cool, right? But we do this all the time. We hang out with the popular kids, the ones who look good or have cool stuff, and ignore the ones who don't. But James says this is wrong. It's a sin.

Jesus' Example

Remember when Jesus hung out with tax collectors and sinners? He wasn't afraid to be with those society rejected. He even said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' Mark 2:17

James also tells us that God chose those who are poor in the world's eyes to be rich in faith. This is a game-changer. God doesn't care about how much money you have or how popular you are. He cares about your heart.

Our Response

So, what does this mean for us? We need to change how we see people. We need to look beyond what's on the outside and see the value God sees in everyone. We should be kind to everyone, not just the popular kids.

James also talks about faith and actions. He says, 'What good is it if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?' Basically, if we say we love others but don't show it, our faith is dead. We need to show our faith through our actions.


So, here's your challenge for this week. Look for ways to show God's love to someone who might be overlooked. Maybe it's the new kid in school, or someone who doesn't have many friends. Show them kindness. Show them they matter. That's what living out our faith looks like.


Let's pray: 'God, help us to see others the way You see them. Help us to love without playing favorites and to live out our faith through our actions. Help us to be kind to everyone, not just the popular kids. Amen.'

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Can you recall a time when you felt favored or discriminated against? How did it make you feel?

2. How can we ensure we don't show favoritism in our daily lives?

3. How can we show love and respect to those who are often overlooked in our society?

4. What are some practical ways we can live out our faith through acts of love and service?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Ice Breaker: "Favoritism Role Play"

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