Pilgrims Progress
Contributed by Alexander John on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: we are strangers and aliens here on earth
Characteristics of pilgrims Hebrew 11.8-16
Life is a journey. We are going to our home through this earth. This is not our permanent home. In order to have such a perspective we should have faith.
Abraham had such faith.
The qualities of a pilgrim
1.Willingness to obey. V.8
Life of faith begins with the willingness to hear the call of god to leave the place and life of sin.
By faith Abraham obeyed.
It was not Abraham’s plan to leave U r. God told him , he obeyed , he left.
True faith always leads to decisive action. Abraham left his family , friends and old way of life.
When Abraham obeyed and left God gave him whatever he needs.
Guidance ……. Divine Favor God’s provision and grace ..
Covenant….. Promise of eternal life
2.Willingness to wait …. V.9,10.
Life of faith did not end for Abraham when he left Ur or set his feet on the promised land When he arrived in the promised land , he lived like an alien, stranger .
Dwelling in tents ..
Remember no matter whatever you have this is not your permanent home.
Abraham’s goal was permanent home whose architect and builder is God.
Abraham waited patiently …..
Twenty five long years he waited for the fulfillment of the promise.
Waiting is one of the greatest discipline.
Waiting time is not wasted time.
What God is doing while you are wait ?
God may be testing you how committed you are ….
God is working behind the scene preparing a way.
God is preparing us to accomplish His vision in our lives…
But remember God’s time is always right..
True faith is waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promises in God’s timing…
What is waiting means??
Sense of dependency..
Psalms 63.1 O God , you my God earnestly I seek you ; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you,
In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Listening to God ……
Seeking the Lord ……
3. Willingness to sacrifice ….v.17,18.
The ultimate proof of faith is willingness to sacrifice ..
Abraham was willing to give the most important thing in his life … his son .
God will never settle for the second place in your life ..
Two important things we see in Abraham’s life
The tent … The altar …
By living in the tent they confessed their attitude toward the world ; they would not let its attractions blind them to spiritual realities .
They are strangers …
Unwilling to accept short term satisfaction that would have denied them long term fulfillment …
With the altar they confessed their relationships to the Lord
Altar =Obedience
= accepting the will of God
= where God meets His people …
After walking with God and known as the friend of God Abraham learned to trust God’s character …
Abraham learned
A] God will always does right things even if it takes long time.
Delays are not denials ….
B] God always does right thing even if what He says seems unreasonable …
C] God always does right things even if we question Him …
D] God always does right thing even if we don’t understand