Peters Great Escape Series
Contributed by Eric Olson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Peter was freed from prison because the church prayed. This sermon covers six key points about prayer,discusses its importance,and follows with a 7 question quiz to examine our own prayer life.
Sermon Series: P.O.W.E.R.
Main Script: Philippians 4:6
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Other Scripture Studied: Acts 12:1-19, John 5:14
Talk about Peters great escape
Acts 12:1-19
Prayer for the reader: Dear Lord I thank you for the opportunity to post a Bible study on the internet. I pray that you would take this message and spread it though the lives of those reading it. Teach them the importance and the power of prayer, please help them to stay faithful in their relationship with you. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus name, Amen.
Herod just killed James and all the Jews are pumped up and over joyed, so he decides he would kill someone else. He seized Peter, tossed him in a prison and planned to kill him after the Passover. Herod set four squads of four soldiers each to guard Peters cell.
While Peter was locked away, the church prayed earnestly to God for him.
The night before Herod would put Peter on trial an angel of the Lord appeared and a bright light filled the cell. The angel struck Peter on the side to wake him up. He said to Him, “Quick, get up! Put on your cloths and sandals, wrap your cloak around you and follow me”. The angel led Peter out of the prison, passing all the guards and passing through all prison gates. Peter thought he was seeing a vision. When the angel had led Peter completely out of the prison, he left.
At that time Peter said to himself “I know with out a doubt that the Lord sent his angel to rescue me from Herod’s clutches”.
Then Peter went to Mary’s house; the mother of John-Mark, and the house was filled with people who had gathered to pray. He knocked on the door and Rhoda came to answer. After Peter announced that it was he on the other side of the door, Rhoda exploded with joy and forgot to open the door. She ran off to tell all the people that were praying, "Peter is at the door, Peter is at the door!"
They people told Rhoda, “your out of your mind”, but she insisted. So when they opened the door and saw Peter, they were astonished.
After a thorough search for Peter was made, Herod ordered that the guards be executed.
The church earnestly prayed for Peter and God sent an angel to release him from prison. When we pray and ask God to take care of our needs. He is faithful! The Bible teaches that we are to cast our burdens upon the Lord and not to pick them up again. That is what the church did. They put Peters freedom in the hands of the creator, PROBLEM SOLVED.
Evaluate Your Prayer Life With This 7 Question Quiz
Answer Yes, No, or Needs Improvement.
I pray more at mealtimes, bedtimes, and emergencies.
I ask for my own needs.
I ask for the needs of others.
I seek Gods will and instructions for situations I pray about.
I talk to God anytime, anywhere.
I thank God for what I received.
I talk to God about everything
If you have answered “No” or “Needs Improvement” then you need to know six key points of prayer. Check ‘em out below!
#1 God answers all prayer
Question: Do you think God answers every prayer?
It’s interesting to think that the word “answer” processes as “grant our request” in our mind. When people say God “Answers Prayer”, they usually mean that He grants the request as asked for in the prayer. This is a false way of thinking. God answers all prayer, but not always the way you want. His answer may be “no” or “wait”, rather then “yes”. But He always answers...Always!
#2 God knows everything
Question: If God knows everything already, then why pray?
God knows everything. He knows all of our needs and wants. But He wants us to pray anyway for a few reasons. The first is this; God wants us to learn not to take Him for granted by assuming He will make things happen the way we want them. The next reason, He wants us to develop a relationship with Him. Just as we talk and converse with our parents, friends, or pets, He wants us to have a day-to-day relationship with Him.
#3 Pray According to his will [John 5:14]
Question: What important principle is found in John 5:14?
Its important to remember how important it is to pray according to His will. We cant pray according to our will and expect God to do as we say; We need to find out what His will is and then focus are prayers in that direction. If we don’t know what His will is yet, we can still tell Him our desires, but we can’t demand that He do what we ask. You will see results in your prayer life when you come to understand God’s purpose rather then trying to convince God to do what you want.