
Summary: Paul, the apostle said, "I have become all things to all men that by all means I may save some.

Paul, the apostle said, "I have become all things to all men that by all means I may save some." ( I Cor. 9:19-23) Paul was a master at learning how to communicate in terms that were most contextually effective. Good communicators spend as much time considering the needs of their audience as they do in planning the content for their messages. The following two lists contain the main characteristics of right (Intuitive-emotional) vs. left (rational - theoretical) brain oriented thinkers. In your communications consider how to incorporate your informational, inspirational and persuasive messages in ways that we maximize your audiences' response.

Characteristics of Right Brain Oriented Thinkers

1. Prefers to learn through their intuitive senses - emotions

2. Prefers to learn through a problem solving approach - inductive (reality to theory) rather than a deductive approach (Moving from theory to application)

3. Prefers to see examples, demonstrations, and case studies rather than studying theories

4. Generally more responsive to an emotional presentation that provides more inspiration than information

5. More interested in how ideas are presented and by whom than the content which is given

6. More contextually dependent in their approach to problem solving

7. Prefers to learn by doing than listening to others teach

8. Prefers to follow the traditional examples of people who they feel can be trusted

9. More interested in relationships than most any other thing

10. Prefers to follow the traditional examples of people who they feel can be trusted

11. Willing to follow leaders regardless of their character faults

12. Needs to feel accepted, liked and approved

13. Skilled in presenting oneself in a socially approved and diplomatic manner

14. Craves attention, recognition and public support

15. Able and willing to compensate for others' weaknesses, shortcomings or deficiencies because of their emotional empathy

16. Best deal with through compliments, emotional reinforcement and public affirmation

17. Needs positive reinforcement, respect and recognition before cooperation is given

18. Prefers intuitive, sensory and experiential decision-making that is reinforced by the group

19. Prefers to look at similarities and comparisons

20. Is more experiential in solving problems than abstract

21. Prefers opens ended experiments that allow for creativity

22. Responds best to demonstrated instruction

23. Draws upon qualitative patterns in people that are not sequential, but are indicative of one's felt images

24. Prefers information to be given in verbal and personal presentations

25. Subjective tendencies

26. Free with feelings

27. Relies on images in thinking and remembering

28. Prefers collegial authority

29. Solves problems with hunches and previous patterns observed in people or groups

Characteristics of Left Brain Oriented Thinkers

1. Prefers to learn through the use of principles (deductive) rather than through a problem-solving approach (inductive) or a trial and error method.

2. Prefers to understand the principles of how and why things work rather than looking at a variety of examples, demonstrations or case studies

3. Generally more responsive to an analytical presentation of the facts that are supported with solid results

4. The quality, breadth, depth and relevance of the content is more imporant than how it is presented

5. More contextually independent

6. Prefers to learn from experts in the field

7. Prefers to explore new ways of improving on old models

8. More interested in accomplishing tasks

9. More willing to follow leaders that measure up to their character, mental and productivity standards

10. Needs to feel a sense of accomplishment

11. Skilled in presenting information in a qualitative and quantitative manner

12. Craves a sense of empowerment through the accomplishing of set goals

13. Able and willing to compensate for others' weakness, shortcoming and deficiencies because of their commitment to the greater goals

14. Best dealt with through assistance in helping one to complete goals

15. Needs authority, resources and freedom to allow one to carry out goals

16. Prefers rational, analytical and deductive decision-making that may or may not be supported by the group

17. Prefers to look at differences and contrasts

18. Is more theoretical in solving problems

19. Prefers controlled experiments

20. Responds best to oral and written instruction

21. Prefers information to be given in written instruction

22. Objective tendencies

23. Controls feelings most of the time

24. Relies on written instruction in thinking and remembering

25. Prefers hierarchical authority

26. Solves problems logically, methodically, and sequentially by looking at the parts of people or things

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