Personal Revival, Personal Power
Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Gods plan for us is to be flames of fire, It's not enough to belong to a place where the fire burns (we must become flames of fire).
We talk a lot about the church and about the body of Christ (and we should)
But I want to remind you that the church is a body made up of many members.
Just as a body has many bones
Just as a wall has many stones
Just as an army is made up of many soldiers
What is your point preacher?
The point I’m trying to make is this: The body can only be revived as it’s individual members are revived.
A wall can only be built by the setting and the fitting of many stones. (The bible calls us: Living stones) or stones that are alive
Or stones with life in them.
Revival comes only as individual stones are set on fire.
Ezekial chapter 37 is definitely and undeniably about Revival. (The end result is an entire army being raised up to fight the Lords battles.)
I believe there is a spirit of Revival in the land, I believe the wind of God, the breath of God (The HolyGhost is moving just as he did on the day of Pentecost.
I believe God is raising up a mighty army of blood washed, HolyGhost filled, fire baptized, bible thumpin, pew jumpin, Isle running, tongue talking, sin hating, Jesus loving Believers.
(A mighty army)
But just as an army is many soldiers and a wall is many stones (So is a body of many members and many bones).
Revival must be personal
Before there was an army in Ezekials boneyard there was just a valley full of dry bones.
The point is: Every bone had a personal Revival
The life of God: The fire of God, the supernatural power of God got inside of everyone of those bones, and every one of those bones began to shake and move by the power of God.
We have come together with the desire to experience a divine visitation, (a Revival) but in reality (the only way to have Revival) is To become Revival.
In other words: Every bone must commit to the process and the product of personal Revival.
The wall is only as alive as the living stones that make up the wall are alive.
The church is only as alive as the individual members that make up the body are alive.
The first thing in our pursuit of Revival we must decide is: We must to commit ourselves personally to the process.
The old timers use to sing a song
“It’s not my brothers, nor my sisters but it’s me O Lord standing in the need of Prayer”
We may all come together and shout and praise God and have a good time in the house of God, but if every Bone gets on fire, you will carry it with you every where you go.
Personal Revival produces corporate Revival
I need to warn you that true bible Revival is not just jumping up and down, shouting and talking in tongues.
True bible Revival is more than just the Holy Spirit coming by to give you a jump start, or a shot of Spiritual geritol.
True Revival is getting back to the foundation of our faith.
True Revival always begins with repentance
You can measure the success of true Revival by the Depth of Repentance.
Aw Tozier said: The blessings follow the plow
In other words: Gods blessings come where the word of God is allowed to penetrate the heart and plow up the soil and root out that which is offensive to the Holy Spirit.
Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Repentance is a word you don’t here much today
Jn the Baptist message was: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
Jesus message was: Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand
Acts 3:19 The apostles mess was: Repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out (when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.)
Refreshing,,,, Revival follows repentance.
2 Chron 7:14 If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.
The first step to personal Revival is to humble ourselves and pray
One of the greatest sins of the modern day American church is the sin of prayerlessness, California has been in a severe drought for years
But the greatest drought is not for rain it’s for tears (The drought in this modern church age is the drought of dry eyes)
We are in the grip of the drought of dry eyes.
I am not surprised at the lack of power in the church ( A prayerless church is a powerless church).