
Summary: A definition of personal holiness and discussion of what it means.

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(Romans 12.1-2)


We have sung this morning of the holiness of God. We have read this morning of the holiness of God. And as we contemplate the holiness of God, we should be awestruck by His majesty.

But what about us? What about our own personal holiness? The Bible certainly talks about it.

1 Peter 2.9: "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession..."

Romans 12.1 tells us to offer our-selves as "living sacrifices" [which are} "holy".

1 Peter 1.15-16: "but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves in all your behavior; because it is written, ’You shall be holy, for I am holy’"

Let’s look this morning at per-sonal holiness


A. Holiness Begins With The Work Of Christ

1. In Ro 3.26, Paul answers the question as to how God can be both just and still justify sinners. His an-swer? Because He sent Je-sus Christ into the world to pay for our sins.

2. Read 3.21-26

3. And so, he states in Ro 5.1, "therefore having been justified [declared righteous] by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

4. The sin issue is settled. We are "in Christ"; our sins are paid for, we are positionally holy in God’s sight

B. The Holiness of Christ is Ap-plied to Us and We Stand Be-fore God Holy

1. Peter, footwashing and John 13

2. V10 - he who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean

3. We are clean, but our feet get dirty!


A. Definition of Personal Holi-ness

-"A lifestyle characterized by obedience to the Word of God; submission to the Will of God; character like the Son of God; with a sense of the Presence of God"

B. A Lifestyle Characterized...

1. This is how we live

2. What we do; what we are like; what matters; what is important

3. What is your legacy? What will your epitaph be?

4. When people think of you, what comes to mind?

5. How do you order your life? What does your life say?

6. Inside The Actor’s Studio: "If there is a Heaven, and there is a God, what would you like to hear Him say when you arrive?"

C. "Obedience to the Word of God"

1. We can’t have personal holiness without the Word of God

2. 1 Peter 2.2 "like newborn babes, long for the pure mile of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation"

3. James 1.22: "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themeselves" [NIV: do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says"

4. If the Bible is so critical to our spiritual success, why don’t we know it better?

5. We must bring our thoughts, our convictions, our attitudes, our ap-proaches, our beliefs and our practices into confor-mity with the Word of God.

6. The Word is not subjec-tive!

7. There is a God; He has spoken; and we had better listen to what He has to say!

D. "Submission To The Will of God"

1. What is the "will of God"?

a. living by the revealed principles of the Word of God

b. Spurgeon’s Catechism:

Q7 What are the de-crees of God? A The decrees of God are his eternal purpose ac-cording to the counsel of his own will, whereby for his own glory he has foreor-dained whatever comes to pass.

Q11 What are God’s works of providence? A God’s works of providence are his most holy, wise, and power-ful preserving and gov-erning all his creatures, and all their actions.

2. It is understanding really that God is firmly in con-trol, and that all our plans are subject to divine veto or approval (James 4.13f)

3. It is really allowing God to be in control of our lives; and us working in concert with God to work our His plan.

4. God doesn’t make us do things against our wills, He changes our wills!


5. "God is the only person in the world who can control your life without destroy-ing it!"

6. So "submission to the will of God" means learning His will, understanding His ways, and yielding to His direction

E. "Character Like The Son of God"

1. Character is what we are really like

2. "In His Steps" - what would Jesus do?

3. What was Jesus like?

> the Gospels

>Gal 5.22f: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law"

4. Sculptor: chip away what doesn’t look like an ele-phant

5. Song: Be Like Jesus

"I would be like Jesus"

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