
Summary: We must persist in our prayer life as an expression of our faith.


Luke 18: 1 - 8

Intro: A group of seminary students gathered in the chapel one day as the dean challenged them to NOT pray for a large church because of the stress, problems and worries that go with it. The next year one of the students who graduated returned to give his testimony. He said, “I did ask God for a big church; however, I also asked God for a pretty wife. My prayer was ALMOST answered. Instead of getting a big church and a pretty wife, I got a pretty church and a big wife!”

I We pray for various things. I believe God answers every prayer in various ways: NO / NOT YET / YES / I’VE GOT A BETTER IDEA / YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING.

A VSS. 3 – 4 Some believe the widow represents humanity and say that if you pray long enough and hard enough, you will get what you want.

B “If you can’t win him over, wear him down.” Mentality regarding getting what we want from God.

C We see corruption, declining church attendance, crime, etc. We pray and often ask ourselves: where is God?

II Vs. 1 – Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

A This parable is about persistence in faith. We can’t control what happens around us. What we can control is how we react to what happens around us.

B Persistence in prayer is evidence of faith which gives us hope. True faith continues when it seems there is no answer.

C The widow persists in seeking justice from the unjust judge. We must also persist in seeking justice for those like the widow.

III The clear lesson of the parable is that God is not like the judge.

A The judge was unrighteous, ungracious, unloving, unmerciful, unkind and unjust. These are all things that God is NOT.

B We should persevere in prayer not because we think we need to badger God until God gives us what we what. Rather, we pray because we know that God cares and hears us.

C These 8 verses from Luke encourage us to stand fast in our faith. We are not asked to always succeed, to do great things, but only to bear witness and be faithful.

Concl: Look closely at VS. 8 – “I tell you, he (God) will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, WHEN the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? The question asked by Jesus is not IF the Son of Man comes; but, WHEN he comes. When His coming is apparently slow in taking place, believers are not to become discouraged, but should persist in prayer, know that He will indeed come at the right time and will answer their prayers and destroy the powers of evil. Our duty is simply

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