

Premium Sermon
Created by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
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This sermon explores the concept of divine cadence in creation and human life, encouraging individuals to align themselves with God's rhythm as seen in the scriptures.


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Welcome back church! If you’re just joining us, we’re in the second week of a 4 week series called Cadence. And as we learned last week, cadence is a word used to describe rhythm.

One of the first places we see Godly cadence is in the rhythm of creation. When God created the cosmos He was clearly in “the groove,” and everything He made was, “good.” In fact, when God was all finished creating, Genesis says, “God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)

Did you catch that? When the master craftsman took a step back to look over creation He said, “very good.” I love this sweet picture of God the Father and creator of all things as he looks over his creation. And as a quick public service announcement, don’t forget that humankind was a part of that original - very good - creation.

And humans were not only designed in divine rhythm but with a biological cadence hard-wired into us. There is a healthy rhythm and an unhealthy rhythm to life, which I’d bet money you already knew because you’ve felt it. You know how good and refreshing it is to be in a healthy groove.

When God oversaw the process of creation he created individual people, programmed for community, with individual giftings and passions. Last week we took a broader look at the process of divine cadence through God’s eyes. Over the next few weeks we are going to take a more detailed approach as we unpack what divine cadence looks like in individual personhood, community performance, and long-term passion.

Personhood, performance, and passion. These are just a few of the areas where healthy rhythm matters and in which a broader understanding of how God created things can be beneficial in the life of a believer.

So, let’s get started where it just might matter most... With you. With the divine cadence found in personhood.

When God oversaw the process of creation he created individual people, programmed for community, with individual giftings and passions.

Main Teaching

As we get started today, let me define for you what I mean when I use the word personhood. Personhood is the quality or condition of being an individual person. So, when I say there is divine cadence in our personhood I’m saying that every individual person ever created has been hard wired with an internal rhythm.

We learned last week that God wrote rhythm into all of creation and this week we are going to look more closely at what that means for you and I.

And when you’re talking about the internal cadence of individuals, you’ve got to talk about something called Circadian rhythm.

The very word, Circadian, comes from two latin words, circa diem which put together mean, around a day. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes.

And if you remember back to our sermon last week, the first thing that God created was a day; “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” (Genesis 1:3-5)

All that to say, the importance of a day cannot be overstated. And amazingly, God hard wired humanity with an internal software set to a daily cadence called circadian rhythm.

“Around a day.” It’s how you and I are built. So what exactly does that mean for us?

It means that there are physical, mental, and behavioral changes set to a 24-hour clock. And it means there are best practices within the cycle as well as bad habits and rhythms that you may have working against the way you were designed.

Morning Cadence

As a reminder, Psalm 118:24 says, “Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium

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