
Summary: Are you living a life of Destiny? You can.

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Last week I touched on the subject of destiny and tonight I want to continue with this, to show you beyond doubt God has a specific destiny for your life. When you were growing up, you might have been told you were good for nothing, that you would never amount to anything in your life and you have allowed that baggage into your life, it has influenced the way you live and has been a nagging memory which keeps coming up with every decision you have made. In fact, for some, this may have become a self-fulfilling prophesy and tonight I want to break the chains of that bondage and set you free in Christ.

There are more people living today than ever before on this planet, 5 billion plus. This past year we saw through the WTO conference in Seattle we are indeed a global community. And throughout the world people are watching American television programs, listening to American music and watching American movies. And God has a destiny for you and I to begin to reach out to the people around us and then to take our ministry global.

The top language in the world today is English. You might have thought with only 150,000 words in the language, French would be the global choice, but people are speaking English with over a million words, throughout the world.

Are you catching a bit of your destiny? Your destiny is God’s purpose. We live today in an area of trade and export, Seattle, part of the Pacific Rim. In 1940 there was only one product sold worldwide --- Coca-Cola. In the 1960’s, the world product was personalities, but today, with businesses like CNN, we are now a global community. Think back during Desert Storm. How did Iraq know where there Scud missiles were landing? They had their television turned on and their satellites aimed at Atlanta Georgia, the headquarters for CNN.

This month I have been talking about destiny, actually it is a life theme. I think it is time this generation of people, living in this time period, stand up and take hold of their destiny. We have been placed in a strategic position to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. In fact, our destiny will have an impact on a major world wide revival if we will but seize the opportunity God has laid in front of us.

I have told how in Genesis Abram and Sarah moved out of Ur, moved out of Haran, and moved out into the plan God had for their life, and in their positive response, God was able to bless them, even with a child at a late age. They heeded the call of God.

Are we listening to what God is saying to us, or have we settled in? Adults, listen to me…our choices today are setting the example for the next generation. And because we have not seized the day, what one generation does in moderation, the next does in excess. Because one generation has become complacent and comfortable to the things of God, the next will become dead to God’s purpose in their life. This is a history lesson.

When General McArthur came back to America following World War II, he said America needs to send Bibles and missionaries to Japan. His advice fell on deaf ears, and as a result, the greatest opportunity of rebuilding after the war was lost and now Japan stands a godless nation.

I wonder, have we become so comfortable here in Ballard, the building is paid for, we are not struggling financially, we get by…have we become so comfortable that we have forgotten our destiny? Look to the examples of history, remember Terah died in Haran. Who would rise up in this hour like Isaiah and say, here am I, send me…I want to be a radical Christian, following after my destiny?

Remember the story of Jacob and Esau. Esau lost his destiny over a bowl of soup. Because of physical comfort he gave up millions.

How do we set aside our destiny…I have four ways to share…

1. By Comfort…Terah traveled 600 miles and got comfortable.

2. We get tired…Terah got tired and stopped at Haran. Are you tired and bored with church? With reading your Bible? With prayer? Have you come to a place where you just want to be different like everyone else. I have had people tell me they have tried Christianity and it just didn’t work for them…this lead to the third reason we set aside our destiny…

3. Deception…This is where we say, I am trying. Can I tell you something…there are no rewards for trying, there are only rewards for finishing. When you quit the race in the middle, even if you are in front, you get nothing. Here’s the deal…there are those who want the victory, but they don’t want the battle. It is deception, and deception leads to…

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