
Summary: On the day Pentecost the mighty rushing wind.

The Apostles Get a Recharge, revived, renew refresh they catch the wind the breath of God

1. What was the Day of Pentecost?

• 12 apostles were gathered in Jerusalem for a harvest festival called Pentecost, meaning “50th day” — this was the celebration of harvest time.

• During the celebration of Passover. Jews from around the Mediterranean region were gathered to celebrate this festival in Jerusalem, including “Parthians, Medes and Elamites,” along with residents of a dozen other regions mentioned in the book of Acts (2:9-11)

• The 12 apostles were sitting in a house in Jerusalem,

2. What were the disciples feeling? How do we feel?

• They were probably feeling uncertain and a bit powerless.

• They had been inspired and energized when Jesus was raised to new life on Easter.

• They probably wondered what are we supposed to do? Remember on the day of Ascension, when Jesus “was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight” (1:9).Now, what were they supposed to do?

3. Pentecost was like powerful Wind say the scriptures.

• “Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting” (2:2).

• This wind was a power that came from God the text says it came from heaven .

• No, this power came from God. “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (v. 4).

4. Pentecost made all people Effective not just individuals

• Certain individuals were effective like John the Baptist who was mighty in preaching repentance

• Mary the Mother of Jesus

• Jesus was greater than all and very effective

• Now those who received the Spirit received power and effectiveness and great influence.

5. Pentecost teaches us the more we gather the more we catch breath and wind of God

• The church gathered or the Ekklesia. The first mention of the Greek word ekklesia in the Bible is found in the gospel of Matthew, and it is translated “church” (16:18). What the word literally means is “gathering,” and it comes from the ancient Greek assembly of citizens in a city-state.

• The word appears again in Acts, when “Barnabas and Saul met with the church” — the ekklesia — in Antioch. It was in this city that the disciples were first called “Christians” (11:26).

• We need to gather in numbers to be the church. Jesus is with us when we are together in community, just as he promised us in Matthew, saying, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them” (18:20).

• Gathering for worship and Bible study gives us the most inspiration, insight and guidance.

• When we stop taking part, our faith tends to cool off.

• Gathering are also needed for effective ministry and mission.

6. Finally Pentecost is in us, on us, with us so let’s catch the Breath The Wind and release the Power

• What Pentecost was celebration of Harvest time

• What we experience inside, what we

• This Powerful wind breath of God

• Let’s celebrate our effectiveness as Disciples

• Let’s celebrate the importance of Gathering.

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