
Summary: Can any man (or woman) truly be greater than the Gospel? Even with all the pomp and ceremony of the Roman culture, Paul stands firm on the premise that life is not about us, but is about Jesus. This is his testimony, and one that we can learn to emulate also!

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To the Ends of the Earth, Part 37

Paul’s trial in Caesarea Philippi

Acts 25:1-27


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- Last week: discussed Paul being a prisoner for 2+ years (by Felix) in Casearia

-- Felix was hoping Paul would give him $ to be freed & he refused to accept Jesus

- Today will be a two-part message that we will conclude next week

-- It is another opportunity to see how vital a person’s testimony/boldness is

-- However, there is also a clear lesson to see the people we may encounter

-- This is the battle that we wage today, and what we must be prepared for …

-- Simply: Witnessing for Jesus means knowing who or what you are facing!

- Read Acts 25:1-27 / Pray

Point 1 – Paul’s trial before the Roman authorities begins

- Background:

• Felix was a weak dictator who treated everyone poorly

• Festus came to Jerusalem for the purpose of people pleasing

• Fact: There was already disunity and unrest in the Jewish community

• New leader will try to restore this relationship (gov’t & people)

- There are 7 people groups to unpack – yes, they are alive and well today too

-- Want us to understand: When you know people’s motives, you can witness!

1. Those who are Hypocrites and Deceivers

- The Jewish community is engaged with doing away with God’s servant

-- They want Paul tried before the Jewish court in order to have their way

-- They are trying to manipulate Festus (since he is new to the role) How?

- They want Paul transferred so they can ambush and kill him on the way (v3)

-- However, Festus has a sense that this is not the way to handle this situation

-- He has heard about Paul, and knows that there must be more to this story

-- His decision is to have Paul tried under Roman authority (v5)

- Don’t miss this: These are the “religionists” trying to silence God’s messenger

-- APP: It is critical to understand, people are still trying to silence the truth today

-- Even your pastor has been (will be) accused of not “doing what people want”

-- No one is exempt from this – but when you know the motive you can stand firm

2. Those who are Liars

- When Festus returns to Caesarea, the trial of Paul begins with him in the court

-- Yet: It’s incredible to see the accusers actually came with NO evidence (v7)

- This same setup exists today and could be inside or outside of the church

-- But the motive is always the same: Someone doesn’t like something so …

- Good news: We have encouragement from Jesus on this very thing! Matthew 5:11, “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.”

-- RE: Lying is still a sin to God (EX 20); here, it exists in an aggressive format!

3. Those who are facing Trials and Deliverance

- Paul’s response to them is of absolute clarity (reread v8); to deny each charge!

-- Paul is a man full of godly strength, even though he stands alone in Caesarea

-- However, he is not totally alone – he stands with the testimony of Christ!

-- This is OUR truth; what we all have to defend us from the noise of the accusers

- RE: It is not the first time Paul has experienced this type of encouragement

-- Acts 23:11, “That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, “Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.” Understand this: his life has been building to this!

-- He knows whose battle this is, and why it is important that he remain faithful!

4. Those who love to Compromise

- The failure of Festus to lead is sadly, a common picture we have even today (v9)

-- His people pleasing is on full display (much like Herod & Pontius Pilate …)

-- APP: But having a backbone is not just for leaders; it is required for all of us!

- Festus knows that Paul is NOT guilty, this has been offered several times

-- RE: He even has a letter from a Roman Captain (Lysias) (Acts 23:25)

-- APP: His innocence should be confirmed … and Paul should be released!

- Yet … Festus is bent on making the Jewish religious leaders happy

• His suggestion is simple (and actually could be a good thing for all):

• Send him back to Jerusalem to be tried (even volunteering to go back also)

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