
Summary: The Church must be focused on Christ, even when times are tough, will we? Will we make disciples, will we focus on Jesus, will we share His salvation?

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To the Ends of the Earth, Part 24

Paul’s Missionary Journey’s still instructs the Church (“Lessons from the road!”)

Acts 16:1-40


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last time we unpacked the Jerusalem Council’s decision & ministry conflicts

- CHALL: What are we doing to deliver the ministry of salvation right now?

- Consider: “That’s the way we’ve always done it” is faith in humanity’s ways!

- So how we respond is very telling of what God is doing in our lives now

- Today, we will take a look at three pivotal things for the Church to lean into

-- Lots to read, but the unpacking is actually very straight forward; hang with me!

- Read Acts 16:1-40 / Pray

Point 1 – The Church must make disciples

- Look at how we are to be faithful to the Lord through the example of ministry

-- APP: What the bible shows us is a roadmap to being devoted to God …

• We must be faithful in making disciples (vv1-3)

o Timothy was a true find for Paul; was young & growing in Christ

o He had an interesting family background:

? Both his mother and grandmother were Believers (ref 2 Tim 1)

? Father was a Greek, not a Jew - he did not believe in God

? IMP: If he did, he would have had Timothy circumcised

? Still, Timothy was a faithful young man with a good reputation

o So, Paul arranges to have him circumcised … sigh … WHY?

? Didn’t we just discuss the Jerusalem Council? (ref Ch 15)

? KEY: They are going to preach to Jews in other lands

? Without his obedience, he would be considered an outcast

? APP: he would have no testimony to teach them

• We must be faithful in delivering the church’s declaration on salvation (v4)

o Never miss this: The Holy Spirit led the church (Acts 15:28)

o BIG: they did not act on their wants/opinions; we must see this today

o Paul’s leading is to visit each city and proclaim the truth

o What was the truth? “Salvation is only through Christ”

? Need us to see this: They didn’t get clever with it

? Also, they didn’t water it down to be acceptable to society

• We must be faithful in bearing fruit: churches were strengthened (v5)

o The churches grew in the faith every day

o Incredible challenge for us today … what are we doing? (last week)

o Are we laboring consistently for Christ … or ourselves?

o Sad truth: Churches that do not grow are missing this component!

- How do we do this? By following the Spirit’s leading … as Paul did!

• Paul follows the leadership of the Holy Spirit (vv6-7)

o See: Not allowed to go to certain places, even with their plans

o CH: Do we do things that God is telling us not too?

o But don’t miss: Paul did not just quit and give up!

• Why? Because he has a clear call from the Holy Spirit (vv8-9)

o He continues to minister where he is led!!

o Then, the Spirit called him to Macedonia to preach

o SEE: Paul was being called into Europe! To minister even farther!

-- WHY? Matthew 24:14, “And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.”

• There is always a strong conviction of the Holy Spirit’s call (v10)

• RESULT: There is an immediate obedience to the Lord’s call (v11)

o What if every believer heard the call to GO and was obedient?

o Truly, if you get nothing else today get that …

o It is truly a line in the sand asking: how much do you trust God?

- TR: So, as they are going and teaching, what can we learn from this today?

-- The most important lesson is our second point: when we go & teach …

Point 2 – The Church must focus on Jesus

- Every day, we are led by God to help people see their need for Jesus

-- These can serve as a launching pad in any direction you want to go (honestly)

-- However, what we have to be careful of is pointing people to Jesus for answers

-- Just as in ~50AD, the same principles apply in June of 2024 …

1. People need to know: The power of human sin (vv16-17)

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