
Summary: The Church must be focused on Christ, even when times are tough, will we? Will we make disciples, will we focus on Jesus, will we share His salvation?

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 24

Paul’s Missionary Journey’s still instructs the Church (“Lessons from the road!”)

Acts 16:1-40


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last time we unpacked the Jerusalem Council’s decision & ministry conflicts

- CHALL: What are we doing to deliver the ministry of salvation right now?

- Consider: “That’s the way we’ve always done it” is faith in humanity’s ways!

- So how we respond is very telling of what God is doing in our lives now

- Today, we will take a look at three pivotal things for the Church to lean into

-- Lots to read, but the unpacking is actually very straight forward; hang with me!

- Read Acts 16:1-40 / Pray

Point 1 – The Church must make disciples

- Look at how we are to be faithful to the Lord through the example of ministry

-- APP: What the bible shows us is a roadmap to being devoted to God …

• We must be faithful in making disciples (vv1-3)

o Timothy was a true find for Paul; was young & growing in Christ

o He had an interesting family background:

? Both his mother and grandmother were Believers (ref 2 Tim 1)

? Father was a Greek, not a Jew - he did not believe in God

? IMP: If he did, he would have had Timothy circumcised

? Still, Timothy was a faithful young man with a good reputation

o So, Paul arranges to have him circumcised … sigh … WHY?

? Didn’t we just discuss the Jerusalem Council? (ref Ch 15)

? KEY: They are going to preach to Jews in other lands

? Without his obedience, he would be considered an outcast

? APP: he would have no testimony to teach them

• We must be faithful in delivering the church’s declaration on salvation (v4)

o Never miss this: The Holy Spirit led the church (Acts 15:28)

o BIG: they did not act on their wants/opinions; we must see this today

o Paul’s leading is to visit each city and proclaim the truth

o What was the truth? “Salvation is only through Christ”

? Need us to see this: They didn’t get clever with it

? Also, they didn’t water it down to be acceptable to society

• We must be faithful in bearing fruit: churches were strengthened (v5)

o The churches grew in the faith every day

o Incredible challenge for us today … what are we doing? (last week)

o Are we laboring consistently for Christ … or ourselves?

o Sad truth: Churches that do not grow are missing this component!

- How do we do this? By following the Spirit’s leading … as Paul did!

• Paul follows the leadership of the Holy Spirit (vv6-7)

o See: Not allowed to go to certain places, even with their plans

o CH: Do we do things that God is telling us not too?

o But don’t miss: Paul did not just quit and give up!

• Why? Because he has a clear call from the Holy Spirit (vv8-9)

o He continues to minister where he is led!!

o Then, the Spirit called him to Macedonia to preach

o SEE: Paul was being called into Europe! To minister even farther!

-- WHY? Matthew 24:14, “And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.”

• There is always a strong conviction of the Holy Spirit’s call (v10)

• RESULT: There is an immediate obedience to the Lord’s call (v11)

o What if every believer heard the call to GO and was obedient?

o Truly, if you get nothing else today get that …

o It is truly a line in the sand asking: how much do you trust God?

- TR: So, as they are going and teaching, what can we learn from this today?

-- The most important lesson is our second point: when we go & teach …

Point 2 – The Church must focus on Jesus

- Every day, we are led by God to help people see their need for Jesus

-- These can serve as a launching pad in any direction you want to go (honestly)

-- However, what we have to be careful of is pointing people to Jesus for answers

-- Just as in ~50AD, the same principles apply in June of 2024 …

1. People need to know: The power of human sin (vv16-17)

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