
Summary: Consider this: if God would protect Paul as we see in Corinth, what could He do for you? Maybe we just need to get out of our own way and let God be God? Could we just submit to Him and share what He has told us?

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 27

Paul’s Ministry in Corinth

Acts 18:1-17


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- Last week we explored and unpacked the have work to do:

• 1st: We must be sure that we have chosen Christ

• 2nd: Then, we must be sure that we go and tell about Him

-- APP: This is where we should see God’s calling on our life - daily

-- He has called us to be His messengers, be willing to truthfully share the Gospel

- Today, I’d like us to see an example of this in action – but not just what was done

-- I want us to see our place in this now – to understand God’s calling to us all

-- APP: If He is in charge, and we are His servants, obedience is not optional!

-- Said another way: What should we take away from Paul’s trip to Corinth?

- Read Acts 18:1-17 / Pray

Point 1 – To hear the Gospel, the people must listen!

- Paul departs from Athens for Corinth; where he spends 18 months as a tentmaker

-- RE: He told the people of Athens what they needed to know and moved on

-- He was not compelled to stay, or invited, or truthfully, not well received!

- Might ask: Why so many challenges to accepting the Gospel? Understand:

• Intellectual pride closes off the mind to the truth of God (you are in control)

• Often we are not where we can be used by God (must go where He leads)

• Change is hard b/c society likes its “things” (makes new things hard to hear)

- Yet … Wherever Paul went, he sought out people who, first, needed Jesus

-- And he was always aware of going where the message would be receptive

-- APP: Great lesson for us today: Go where people will LISTEN

-- BIG: There actually is a difference between hearing & listening! (2 diff words)

• Hearing is the process or function of perceiving sound

• Listening is paying attention to a message in order to understand or respond

- Paul reasoned (GR: dielegeto) with people using sound logic (v4)

-- Consider: He taught what he knew, using the evidence and truth of Scripture

- While teaching, he persuaded them (GR: epeithen) to listen

-- But it is more than that – he begged them to hear and to change their heart

-- His teaching was driven so that they would know what he knew (Wednesday)

-- Romans 9:2-3, “My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be willing to be forever cursed - cut off from Christ! - if that would save them.”

- However, don’t miss the result: REJECTION (not an uncommon response)

- Why does this example hold up for us today?

• Paul was compelled to witness without giving up

• How? He was moved by the Spirit to continue – to be faithful

• Even when he was rejected; he looked for a new audience (Gentiles)

- For us: Sometimes … you have to turn from those who won’t listen

• Caution: This is not about following your preferences or your opinions

• Our calling is to obey God, to preach without fear, to share willingly!

- Lesson: when the people won’t listen – dust yourself off & move on (v6)

-- Paul did exactly what Jesus told the Disciples to do: Matthew 10:14, “If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave.”

- TR: Note, this cannot be prideful, it actually requires the complete opposite

Point 2 – Delivering the Gospel message requires humility

- Know this: preaching the Gospel requires humility or humbleness

-- Rejection is often a very quick path to rebellion, anger, and our own bitterness

-- But, when you get out of the way and allow God – the results are His

- Paul’s exemplifies this by moving to where the message will be received

-- FACT: It is not always easy, but when God is in it you have to follow!

-- The impact of this cannot be overstated: Jewish leader accepted Jesus! (v8)

- Know this: People of all walks must be reached for Christ!

-- This is the one thing we learn from Paul – our silence is not an option now

-- However, there are things we must do in order to be faithful:

1. Requires getting out of our own way

2. We must let God be God, let Jesus be Jesus, let the HS be the HS

3. We need to leave the results up to their work; they are the focus

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