Paul's Unceasing Prayer
Contributed by Clarence Clough on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Believers will benefit when they apply Paul’s prayer objectives to their lives (ascertain God’s will, walk worthy of Christ, and possess the power of God).
Text: Colossians 1:9-11
Introduction: Paul’s prison letter to the Colossian church
was to encourage believers there to eliminate
false teaching and to continue with Christ.
Theme: Believers will benefit when they apply Paul’s
prayer objectives to their lives (ascertain God’s
will, walk worthy of Christ, and possess the power
of God).
I. v.9, filled with the knowledge of His will
A. Become aware that God can use your uniqueness
to propel His will.
1. i.e., Samson’s strength
2. i.e., Saul’s zeal and education
3. i.e., David’s submissiveness
4. i.e., Daniel’s statesmanship and prophetic gifts
B. Draw near to the Lord as did Moses and Paul.
C. Allow God’s revealed will to be supreme in your life.
D. Intensity, determination, and perseverance are
1. example of Daniel
2. example of the Hebrew three
3. modern day example of winning athletes
E. A daub or dollip of the knowledge of God’s will
is, not only, insufficient, but dangerous.
1. John 13:9
2. Peter’s feet being washed by Christ
a. first response - no
b. next response - "...wash me all over..."
II. (10a), walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing
A. public & private God-pleasing lifestyle
B. Consistent
C. Renewed walk daily
D. all areas of our lives sanctified & equipped
1. by the power of the Holy Spirit
2. by the power of the Word
III. (10b), fruitful in every good work
A. Our best efforts required.
B. Deal with any unfruitfulness
1. Mark 11: 13-14
2. Jesus cursed the unfruitful fig tree.
C. Deep root equals delicious fruit.
1. good nourishment
2. no shallowness
3. constant inspection
a. 1 Cor. 11:28
b. James 4:10
D. 2 Peter 1:4-8
IV. (1:10c), increasing in the knowledge of God
A. Learn about God ( Philippians 3:10, "...that I may know him...")
B. Learn from God ( Matthew 11:29, "...learn of me [Jesus];...")
C. Know His attributes.
1. natural - incommunicable
a. all knowing
b. all powerful
c. everywhere present at the same time
d. eternity
e. immutability (unchangeableness)
2. moral - communicable
a. holiness
b. righteousness
c. faithfulness
d. mercy
e. lovingkindness
f. love
D. God is God; there is none other.
a. 1 Tim. 2:5
b. "For there is one God, and one mediator between
God and men, the man Christ Jesus;"
V. (1:11a), strengthened with all might
(might, greek for power in action)
A. When we are weak; He [Christ] is strong.
B. through His might
1. Satan is defeated.
2. demons flee (Lev. 26:8; Deut. 32:30)
3. detrimental habits are broken
4. healings are effected
5. weak are made strong
6. shy become emboldened
7. The Word of God goes forth.
a. accomplishes His will
b. Ps. 107:20 illustrated in the healing of
the centurion’s servant in Mt. 8:13.
8. Seas and rivers are parted and crossed.
9. Manna and water are provided in our
10. Walls tumble.
Conclusion: We have seen, from an examination of
our text that:
I. We are to be filled with the knowledge
of God’s will.
2. One’s walk (lifestyle) must be pleasing
to the Lord.
3. Our works should bear spiritual fruit.
4. We are to increase our knowledge of God.
5. We are to allow His power to strengthen us.
Our church has demonstrated that it can be maintained
in every way. The inside of the building is almost
immaculate. The grounds and buildings are kept more
than presentable. We should not leave these things
undone; but now begin to direct our energies toward
church growth.
May we prayerfully and sincerely ask the Lord to work
through us in winnig the lost and getting them into
this wonderful church!