
Summary: Paul’s introduction to the book of Romans is a beautiful beginning to this amazing epistle depicting god’s grace and righteousness.

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Paul’s Introduction

Romans 1:1-7


• Say hello to someone

• Today start new study through Romans

o Believed by many to be the greatest book of the Bible

o Has had profound impact on many

 Augustine – 3rd Century

 Martin Luther – 1500s - Protestant Reformation

 John Wesley – Wesleyan Revival

 Many others

o Martin Luther

This Epistle is really the chief part of the New Testament and the very purest gospel, and is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul. It can never be read or pondered too much, and the more it is dealt with the more precious it becomes, and the better it tastes.

o Jesus resisted Satan when tempted – quoting scripture

o Psalm 119:11

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

o Memorize scripture – one verse per week – bulletin

o Romans 1:17 – Key verse of Romans – READ!!

o Read the next chapter – commentary

o If you come across something interesting – send it

 Jokes, forwards, cute stories – don’t send

 Articles, books, and quotes - send

• Turn to Romans 1

• Title of the series: Being Right with God

• Today we will look at the author & background

Romans 1:1-7

• Pray!


• Paul’s Introduction

o Romans unique – Paul hadn’t been there

 Knew people there – Ch. 16

o Written about 57AD

 Paul was just completing 3rd missionary journey

 His plan – take offering to poor in Jerusalem

 Then go to Rome and then Spain

 Letter was meant to prepare them for his visit

o Church of Rome

 Not a lot known about beginning

 Not a single church, several home churches

 Some believe Jews from Pentecost – Acts 2

• Mostly Gentile – some Jews

• More likely converts of Paul went to Rome

o Mentions several people in Ch. 16

o City of Rome

 Center of Roman power and government

 “All roads lead to Rome”

 About one million people

 Very secular – very worldly – very religious

o Paul ended up in Rome – not as he planned

 Not as an apostle but as a prisoner Acts 21-28

• Acts ends with Paul preaching in Rome

 Paul ultimately was released from prison

• Later arrested and then beheaded for his faith

• Theme of Romans

o The first Christians were Jews

 Christianity began as a Jewish religion

 Not until Acts 9 do we see Gentiles as part of God’s plan

o Jews felt that adherence to the Law of Moses was how they were made right with God

 Jews struggled with Law and grace

 Believed still needed to follow Law to be right

 Gentile Christians were often told they had to become Jews

 Paul resisted this aggressively

o Romans written to mostly Gentile church

 Strong Jewish influence

 Some false teachers

 Paul presented his entire theology in a simple letter

• Blessing of Romans

o Jews believed works of the Law saved them

o Paul taught something different – Good News

o Romans 1:17 NLT

This Good News tells us how God makes us right in His sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”

o Paul taught that key to pleasing God not in what we do but in believing what Jesus did for us.

 Keeping Law revealed need for God

 Didn’t free from bondage of sin

 God’s gospel reveals path to freedom

John 8:31-32

The Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

o Blessing of Romans

 Our right standing with God does not depend upon us

• Being right with God doesn’t depend on what we do

o Depends upon what you believe

• That’s freedom!

o Let’s look at our text

Romans 1:1a

o ‘Paul’ – common to ID author at beginning of letter

o Paul’s story found in Acts

Acts 7 – Saul – present @ Stephen’s stoning

Acts 9 – hunting down church

• Jesus intercepts him on way to Damascus

• Blinds him and tells him that He is going to send him to Gentiles

Acts 13 Saul = Paul

o Saul = ‘asked’ or ‘asked for’ – Hebrew

o Paul = ‘small’ – Greek

o Paul – apostle to the Gentiles

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