Paul Confronts Peter's Sin Series
Contributed by Aarron Ellerman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Paul’s reaction to Peter’s sin is swift and just.
Galatians 2:14-21
“Paul Confronts Peter’s Sin”
1. Paul’s Reaction (14)
Vs. 14
• Peter, being an apostle, had an even greater responsibility to lead others uprightly (straight path) in the truth of the gospel.
o Bible says, “To whom much is given much will be required.”
o Peter was given a great responsibility by Jesus Himself
o Matthew 16:19
• When Paul saw that Peter’s actions were leading others astray he called out Peter in front of them all.
o Private sin = private discipline; public sin = public discipline.
o Especially in the case of a leader within the church.
o 1 Timothy 5:19-20
• “If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of the Gentiles” Peter had open fellowship with the Gentiles, but he also was no longer compelled to live under the dietary requirements of the Law, this was revealed to him by God.
o Acts 10:10-15;
o Vs. 28, also that all men were equal before God.
2. Paul’s Statement (15-16)
Vv. 15-16
• Paul is saying that if we (Jew by nature) acknowledge that we can never be justified by the works of the Law, why would we ever compel others to continue to try?
o Reminds me when we taste something bad
• “Even we” that is Jewish Christians, “have believed in Jesus Christ.”
o Why in the world would we expect any less out of sinners from among the Gentiles?
o Justification by grace alone through faith alone is the corner stone of the foundation of Christian doctrine.
o Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be added to it or taken away from it.
o However it is also important to remember that just because we are saved by faith alone, does not mean we are saved by a faith that is alone!!
o Faith and works work together in bringing our salvation into all that God has intended for it to be.
3. Paul’s Defense (17-21)
Vs. 17
• Paul is asking a rhetorical question with the obvious answer of NO!
o His argument was that if you had to become a Jew in order to fully become a Christian, and “we” that is Jewish Christians, are still found to be sinners, then is Christ commanding us to live under a system that declares us to be sinners?
o “God forbid” or may it never be!
Vv. 18-19
• Why in the world would we build up the very thing that was destroyed when I chose faith in Christ?
• If Christ has freed us from the debt of our sin, why would we still live as under bondage and not as people who are free?
o Kind like showing up at jail everyday after you have served your time.
Vv. 20-21
• We are reborn with Christ, that is our old life was crucified with Jesus.
• Now we live a new life of faith under the Law of Christ
o 1 Corinthians 9:21
o Salvation by faith doesn’t mean we are free to live however we please.
• If we can be saved by the works of the Law, then we nullify the grace of God and Christ’s death is in vain….. and to that we should all say, “God forbid!”