
Summary: Expository Series in Philippians

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Title: Paul’s Passion Script: Phil. 3:8-11

Type: Expos Series Where: GNBC 7-24-23

Intro: People who are well known in their field of interest are passionate people. The name Caitlyn Clark is recognized in households across Iowa, if not the US because she is passionate about BB. The musical prodigy WA Mozart, though living only 35 yrs. wrote over 800 compositions of nearly every genre available at the time. Nearly everyone has heard of the actor Harrison Ford. Yet, when tried out for the role of Han Solo he was still going to work every day as a union carpenter! Took a lot to follow his passion to be an actor! (Raiders 38 is glad did!) The Apostle Paul was as passionate as any of these people when it came to his zeal for the OT law and traditions of the Pharisees. Yet, as we read in Acts 9, on the road to Damascus, in an attempt to silence the Church, he met the Lord Jesus Christ. All of a sudden, his old passion was overtaken by his new passion. What Paul found in a relationship with Jesus Christ was far superior to anything he had found in his devotion to the Law of Moses.

Prop: In Phil. 3:8-11 Paul’s Passion Is Expressed in 3 Essential Doctrines.

BG: 1. Phil. Is a “Prison Epistle” along with Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon.

2. Phil. Is the letter of “joy”. Paul takes great joy in 3 essential doctrines in these verses.

3. Phil. Is different from most other epistles. Not writing to correct behavior or doctrine. But rather to say “Thank you.” For generous gift. (Thank you and joy go hand in hand.)

Prop: In Phil. 3:8-11 Paul’s Passion is Expressed in 3 Essential Doctrines.

I. Paul Was Passionate about the Doctrine of Justification. Vv.8-9

A. Paul Begins by Stating How He Exchanged Spiritual Passions in Justification.

1. In these verses Paul outlines the Essential Doctrine of Justification.

a. One prominent theologian (Calvin) defined “Justification” as: “acceptance, whereby God receives us into his favor and regards us as righteous; and we say that it consists in the remission of sins and the imputation of the righteousness of Christ.”7 Justification is decisive for eternity, being in effect the judgment of the last day brought forward. Its source is God’s grace, His initiative in free and sovereign love, and its ground is the merit and satisfaction that is, the obedient sin-bearing death-of Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate Son. (Inst. II. xvii is)

b. Theologians have stressed both the objective and the subjective sides of justification. Objectively, we are actually made right with God by the work of Christ, which the sinner receives by faith alone. Subjectively, when we understand justification, we experience peace with God and growing confidence in living for God. Surely, this doctrine is absolutely central to Christian faith and life.

2. What was the Exchange that Paul Made in Experiencing Justification?

a. Illust: We have all most likely had this experience. We have set a date. People are coming to your house for dinner. You have all your meats to be grilled. You go outside 30 minutes before guest are to arrive. You go to turn on your grill…click, click, click! You mess with the valve, click, click, click. To your consternation you realize the LP tank is empty! Hop in car and run to Ace or Menards or HyVee. You take your empty LP tank and you EXCHANGE it for one that is full! Paul exchanged a hate-filled, works oriented, spiritual life with absolutely no assurance, and exchanged it for the perfect, finished work of Christ.

b. Before coming to Christ, Paul was trusting in his efforts, his pride, and his spiritual pedigree to be pleasing in the sight of God. Look back a few verses to vv.5-6. Paul lists the 7 proofs of what he was vainly trusting in before turning to Christ for justification. 1. Circumcised 8th day. 2. Of the nation of Israel. 3. Tribe of Benjamin. 4. Hebrew lineage and language. 5. Pharisee. 6. Persecutor of the Church. 7. Outwardly (Though not inwardly) adhering to the law. Paul was zealous. Paul had a lot to “proud” of in that system of beliefs. Illust – I hear a lot of nonsense today: “It doesn’t really matter what you believe as long as you are sincere in what you believe.” I want you to reflect again upon Paul’s spiritual pedigree. He was totally committed. He was faithful. He was zealous. He was outwardly keeping all the rules. Yet, by his own admission, he was utterly wrong and head on a road leading him straight to hell!

B. Justification is Manifest in our Knowing Christ.

1. Justification is Found in “Knowing Christ”.

a. When did Paul come to “know Christ”? Did he always know Christ? Did his circumcision help him to know Christ? Was he baptized as an infant to help him know Christ? Was he born into a “good family”? No! Paul came to now Christ in Acts 9! As he was traveling on the Damascus Rd, Paul was hell bent on destroying the Church, persecuting Christians when Jesus kicked the stool of Paul’s spiritual pride right out from under his feet. Paul had a crisis whereby he was confronted with the Person of Jesus Christ. Let me be very clear about this, there must come a place in your and my life where we are confronted with the claims of Christ and we must by faith trust in those claims.

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