
Pathway to Revival

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Outlines the necessary steps to achieve revival in a church.


Is it time for revival in our church? Are there signs indicating the need for revival? Consider these statements and judge for yourself if we are in need of God's revival:

We need revival when:

- Our love for God has diminished.

- Earthly interests become more important than spiritual matters.

- We prefer watching TV or reading anything but the Word of God.

- We lack the desire to pray.

- We know the truth in our minds but fail to live it out.

- We make little effort to share the Gospel with the lost.

- We have time for everything except studying the Bible.

- The Word of God fails to move us.

- Believers are divided and unwilling to reconcile.

- Christian spouses do not pray together.

- Our marriages exist without the love of Christ.

- Our children are being influenced by the world.

- We prioritize intellectual education over their spiritual condition.

- Sin is tolerated in the church.

- Gossip, criticism, and lack of love dominate our interactions.

- Our worship lacks life and passion.

- Our hearts are cold and our eyes dry.

- We are bored with praise.

- We need entertainment to come to church.

- We do not miss the fellowship of God's people.

- Giving to God's work feels burdensome.

- We fail to exercise our faith in God's power.

- We care more about others' opinions than God's opinion of us.

- The fire has gone out in our hearts, homes, and church.

- We are so blind that we fail to recognize our need for revival.

Clearly, we are in great need of revival.

The conditions that called for revival in Samuel's time seem to be similar to what we face today. In 1 Samuel 7:1-6, Samuel brought the light of revival to Israel during the dark days of the judges when everyone did as they saw fit. In this environment of moral and spiritual decay, the nation slid further into corruption. Just like in Samuel's time, we too are plagued with these spiritual problems that erode our lives. We have set aside the Word of God and true worship, and then we wonder where God is.

The story of revival in Samuel's time continues in 1 Samuel 7, where the Ark of God was recovered from the Philistines.

Firstly, it was taken to Beth-Shemesh, where 50,000 people died for looking at the Ark. From there, it was brought to Kiriath Jearim, where it remained for 20 years. During those 20 years, the people mourned, but they were not willing to take any action.

Similarly, we often find ourselves in the same situation.

We lament our mistakes and sins repeatedly, but once the tears dry up, we fail to take any steps of repentance. Samuel challenges the people with the harsh reality of what is necessary for true revival. He seems to say, "If you are serious about this, then this is what you need to do: return, remove, surrender to the Lord."

1. Return to the Lord:

Samuel calls the people to turn their hearts back to the sovereign God and Lord of their lives. God desires wholehearted worship, not half-hearted devotion.

2. Remove what is foreign:

Samuel challenges the people to get rid of other passions and feelings that easily derail them. They were worshiping idols and engaging in perverted worship. Similarly, we may not worship idols of stone and wood, but we have real idols that constantly vie for control over our hearts – money, work, time, pleasure, etc. It's time to cast them out and return to the one God who died for us.

3. Prepare your hearts:

Samuel emphasizes the need to prepare our hearts to receive and live according to the Word of God. Our lives should be governed and directed by the Word of God.

4. Serve the Lord:

Samuel highlights the importance of serving God. Without service to God, all other aspects of revival are meaningless. Our lives should demonstrate that we serve the one true and living God.


Samuel called the people to come together as a testimony of their decision. He poured out water before the Lord as a symbol of their commitment. Through this act, Samuel indicated that the decision was final, and there was no turning back.

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