
Summary: These two blind guys could see more than many people ever will. THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO DO NOT SEE JESUS FOR WHO HE IS. They saw the authority He had and THEY CRIED FOR MERCY. Now that's a good place to start if I am to find healing for my li

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Part 8 - Matthew 9:26-27 - NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO DO NOT SEE!

When I first met PETER SUMNER he was blind. As a young man a terrible accident burned his eyes and left him without his sight. He walked down the aisles of the first Church I served in and his hand knocked the edge of the pew with quite some force. Until that time it didn't occur to me how easily he might be hurt even though he had a guide dog to lead him.

Later, with just his cane, I told him of some steps he would have to master. He said "UP OR DOWN?". It hadn't occurred to me how important that information might be to him. Have you ever walked down some steps not realising that there was one more step to go? Horrible feeling to step out into mid air expecting to find something solid. I take eyesight for granted, although I appreciate it when I stumble around in the dark each morning to find the lightswitch.

Peter received the miracle of sight through modern surgery. They replaced the lenses of his eyes completely. When they removed the bandages, he saw his wife for the first time. They had tried the operation once before but his eyes had rejected the new lenses and so, after a time, he was thrust back into the world of darkness. He was relunctant some years later to try again. But since medical technology had advanced so much since his last operation, he was willing to submit himself to the surgeon's hand and once again receive the miracle that we call sight.

My wife just asked me whether I would like to see the view. She noticed that the blinds on the window were shut. I can't imagine not being able to have that choice. To see the colours of the morning and the glassy surface of the lake is magnificent as we enjoy this holiday house for another few days. We have to travel over a mountain to get internet access. It is not surprising to me that two blind men stumble after Jesus, willing to come under His authority in order to receive their sight. Who would want to live their lives in darkness.

In Matthew 9:26, after raising Jairus' daughter from the dead Jesus is now famous for His healing miracles and authoritative teaching. Two blind men follow Him and shout, "SON OF DAVID, have mercy on us!" (Matthew 9:27). What a strange thing to say. How do they know He is from David's lineage? And why do they address Him like this? It occurs to me that the answer to that question might be important.

Back in Matthew 1:1 (NLT) it says "This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham:" but why would two blind men be interested in or know about His lineage?

Very simply, they call Him "Son of David" because that was a COMMON TITLE FOR THE PROMISED MESSIAH. They are submitting to His authority as a king who is so powerful, He has the authority of God to heal them. Every Jew knew that the Messiah was coming sometime and they knew that the Messiah was to be the "Son (or descendent) of David".

So these two blind men obviously knew about the coming Messiah but Matthew presumes that we do too and for most people today that is not true. Open my eyes Lord, to who You are as the Messiah.

In 2 Samuel 7:12 (NLT) God says to Nathan the prophet to go to King David and say, "...when you die and are buried with your ancestors, I will raise up one of your descendants, your own offspring, and I will make His kingdom strong. He is the One who will build a house-a temple-for My name. And I will secure His royal throne forever." So God gave to David and to one of his descendents the promise of eternal government. JESUS IS A DIRECT HEIR TO THE THRONE OF DAVID, AND HIS RULERSHIP IS ETERNAL.

There is a brilliant passage in Isaiah 9:6-7 (NLT) that speaks of the Messiah. It gives a prophecy years before Jesus is born. It says "For a child is born to us, a Son is given to us. The government will rest on His shoulders. And He will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of His ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies will make this happen!"

This title "SON OF DAVID" keeps showing up in Matthew. IT IS NOT JUST A THROW AWAY STATEMENT. Each generation of Jews since the time of Abraham looks towards the promised Messiah who in their mind will CONQUER THE WORLD and set up His throne in Jerusalem. In Matthew 22:42 (NLT) Jesus asks the Pharisees, "What do you think about the MESSIAH? Whose son is He?" They replied, "He is the SON OF DAVID." These two blind men echo that understanding as they call Jesus "Son of David". They are saying that JESUS IS THE MESSIAH, King of kings.

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