
Summary: This series on Lean Time is a depiction of where our church and country is right now and how we grow during Lean Times with the Lord.

Nehemiah 2:11-20

Preparing for the Vision of God:

1. We must make an accurate assessment of the situation!

Nehemiah 2:17 "So I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been burned down." (HCSB)

Question: How would you describe your current situation?

2. Cast God's vision for success!

Nehemiah 2:17b-18 "Come, let's rebuild Jerusalem's wall, so that we will no longer be a disgrace." I told them how the gracious hand of my God had been on me, and what the king had said to me. They said, "Let's start rebuilding," and they were encouraged to do this good work." (HCSB)

To cast the vision you must own the vision!

Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (KJV)

3. Be an Encourager!

Fear and discouragement can kill a vision!

Nehemiah 2:20 "The God of heaven is the One who will grant us success. We, His servants, will start building, but you have no share, right, or historic claim in Jerusalem." (HCSB)

Every church, every ministry needs encouragers!

4. We must stay the course!

Question: What are some of your road blocks?

Galatians 5:7-9 "You were running well. Who prevented you from obeying the truth? This persuasion did not come from the One who called you. A little yeast leavens the whole lump of dough." (HCSB)

5. We must work hard!

Nehemiah 2:18b "They said, "Let's start rebuilding," and they were encouraged to do this good work." (HCSB)

Key: You will not do the work of God by yourself!

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