
Summary: Parables of the Kingdom

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Title: Parable of Wheat and Tares Type: Series

Script: Mt. 13:24-30, 36-43 Where: GNBC 9-23-07

Intro: “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty . . .” We say it. We argue about it (especially the “under God” part). But is it true? In reality, how united is the United States? The “more perfect union” sought by Lincoln is hardly perfect in terms of harmony. We are a nation—morally, philosophically, and religiously—deeply divided. Yet there remains the outward shell of formal and organizational unity. We have union without unity. As it is with the “United” States, so it is with the unity of the Christian church. The “oneness” of the church is one of the classic four descriptive terms to define the church. According to the council at Nicaea (325 AD), the Church is one, holy, catholic, and Apostolic. Few church bodies today give much regard to being Apostolic. Fewer still seem concerned with the dimension of the holy. When these two qualities become irrelevant to the minds of church people, it is a mere chimera to speak of catholicity and unity.” (RC Sproul article, 5-11-22, Ligionier)

Prop: In Mt. 13:24-43 we’ll notice the importance of 3 parable Jesus told about the KOG.

BG: 1. Continue in parables of Jesus in Mt. Here in Mt. 13 we see 7 parables relating to the KOG. Kind of Matthew’s style –collect by topic. –we’ll examine. – Tares among the Wheat, Mustard Seed, The Leaven.

2. What is the KOG? Jesus spoke volumes more about the KOG than did the church. The KOG as revealed in the NT is something understood in 2-fold aspect – it has come and even now is in the world, and yet is something still to come. The KOG involves the whole notion of the rule of Chris over His people. The vindication of that rule and reign will be Christ’s personal return to establish His millennial reign.

Prop: In Mt. 13:24-43 we see 3 parables Christ told to further explain the KOG.

I. 1st The KOG is Alive within a Fallen World. – Tares Among Wheat vv. 24-30

A. There is an Enemy who seeks to Disturb Christ’s Kingdom

1. Although Christ’s Kingdom is Secure and Sovereign an Enemy seeks to harm it.

a. v. 25 The enemy came by night and sowed these tares right among the wheat. What’s the purpose of this action? Hateful malice. The KOG is in the world and yet that world is fallen. I am no longer shocked by the hateful malice people outside the Church often have for the Church. Some might be deserved, but very little. Illust: Nigeria this past Christmas. Probably didn’t hear in Western media (They don’t care.) Scores of Nigerian churches burned and Christians killed by Muslims. Why? Because they hate and despise Christ’s Church.

b. What were these weeds called “tares” and why was it so bad to sow these into the farmer’s field? Scholars have identified the plant Christ was talking about as the “bearded darnel” – looked very similar to wheat and cannot be distinguished until ripens.

2. The Desire of the Enemy was to Poison or Ruin the Crop.

a. Illust – If that bearded darnel was accidentally picked and ground into meal with the wheat it would spoil the flour, the one who ate would become dizzy and nauseated, and in rare cases could even die. But, if undetected and milled and went to market, would ruin the reputation of the farmer and spoil entire harvest.

b. The enemy still attempts to undermine the KOG in a variety of ways. He wants to spoil the harvest through unscriptural ideas and actions. v. 39 Look at the end of v. 38: “children of the evil one.” Remember that the next time you hear someone trying to reconcile false doctrine, perversion, immorality, with Christianity. Beware! making the common statement—“remember, we’re all God’s children!” This is a common belief, that all humans on the earth are God’s children. No! We’re all God’s creation, but not all His children. Jesus told a group that they were of their father, the devil. There are 2 family lines on this earth. Some have been born once, and others twice. Ye must be born again. Jesus is the way. That sounds narrow and politically incorrect. I have no desire to be narrow except for where God the Creator is narrow and I have even less desire to be PC even if my initials are PC!

B. Satan Attempts to Infiltrate the KOG with evil individuals.

1. The visible church is infiltrated with evil as well as righteous individuals.

a. This parable tells us that the devil tries to attack the kingdom of God by infiltration, and by planting imitators in the church. They may not know they aren’t the real thing, and the others may not know, but Satan surely knows, as does God! They are counterfeit Christians. Paul called them “false brethren.” [II Cor. 11:26] Illust – D-Day Invasion: Allied Paratroopers took simple precaution in order to make sure not infiltrated by enemy upon landing when attempting to reform units. When came to hedgerow or wooded area, took small, 5cent “cricket” from pocket. Clicked it once. If friendly, response was to listen for click 2 times or open fire. Why? Because many Germans knew English and could pose as allies and infiltrate lines with result being disaster. You see, theologians refer to the “Visible Church & the Invisible Church”. The “visible” church is made up of all of those who claim to be or identify as followers of Christ regardless of profession or true repentance and faith in Christ. The invisible church is made up of those who are true followers of Christ who have truly repented and trusted Christ. Can have both in church, even a Bible church.

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