
Summary: The psalmist speaks of a reality that we all face in this life and that is trouble. In this trouble we can either be in despair or we can elevate ourselves above our emorions in the Lord.

Overwhelming Trouble

Psalms 77:1-20

There are times of trouble that causes anxiety and these anxieties dominate our emotions.

See: Job 3:25-26

Then: Job 5:6-7 Eliphaz speaking to Job

And: Job 14:1 Job speaking concerning trouble

Psalms 77:3 The psalmists speaks of being overwhelmed in his trouble

1. The Emotional State Of Trouble

a. It Robs Us Of Peace

See: Psalms 77:1-2 My soul refused to be comforted

Oftentimes when our emotions control our thoughts there is not anything someone can say or do to comfort us.

Mention: Genesis 37:35 Jacob was like that when he heard that Joseph was supposedly killed

Question: Have you ever been so troubled you could not sleep or lost for words?

See: Psalms 77:4

b. It Questions The Provision, Providence and Promises Of God

See: Psalms 77:5-9

The most common complaint people have expressed to me concerning God is why did He allow this or that to happen?

There are six troubling questions:


• Will The Lord Cast Off Forever? (Has He rejected me)

• Will He Be Favorable No More?

• Is His Mercy Clean Gone? (Does He love me still)

• Doth his Promise Fail Forevermore? (Will He keep His Word)

• Hath God Forgotten To Be Gracious?

• Hath He In Anger Shut Up His Tender Mercies? (Is He mad with me?)

Fact: Disappointment leads to doubt and doubt lead to depression and depression to despair

Truth: No one can control your emotional state but you

2. The Elevation Above Emotions

It begins with a proper assessment of our self.

See: Vs.10 This is my infirmity

a. We Must Acknowledge Our Weakness

The opposite of this would be to blame our emotional state on God or someone else

b. We Should Assemble Ourselves In God’s Presence

Vs.17 Thy way O God is in the sanctuary

There is something special about God’s people meeting together

c. We Should Recall His Greatness

See: 10b – 14 I will remember… (Vs.10b -11a)

The Bible is full of the acts of God on the behalf of His people and here the psalmist recalls some of them.

See: Vs.15-20

The words of the late Fanny Crosby who could have sung the blues in blindness

All the way my savior leads me;

What have I to dread beside?

Can I doubt His tender mercy,

Who through life has been my guide?

Heavenly peace, divinest comfort,

Here by faith in Him to dwell!

For I know what ‘ere befall me,

Jesus doeth all things well;

For I know what’ere befall me,

Jesus doeth all things well.

Instead of singing the blues how about singing some praises!

Three A’s in closing:

1. Attitude

John 16:33 Jesus tell us we are going to have trouble but be of good cheer

James 1:2 Count it all joy…

2. Attention

Keep your eyes on the LORD and not your circumstances

3. Anticipation

Even in the mist of our trouble we know God is still doing something!

Romans 8:28

Point: The worst thing that can happen with God is the best thing!

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