Overflowing Joy
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Feb 22, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Subject: 'Overflowing Joy' - Acts chapter 2 verse 42-47 - Sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
• (1). Joy in Worship (vs 42 & 46-47).
• (2). Joy in Teaching (vs 42a)
• (3). Joy in Fellowship (vs 44-45).
• (4). Joy in Evangelism. (v 47b)
• When missionaries in the northern part of Alaska, where the Eskimos live,
• Were trying to get the Bible translated, they had some difficulty.
• When you go to translate the Bible in any culture,
• There’s a difficulty in translating some words,
• Because cultures and languages don’t always have the same words.
• ill: (Isaiah 1:18) “White as snow….white as cotton wool”
• There was no word in the Eskimo language for joy.
• And as they were trying to translate joy, biblically, they drew from experience.
• And as they watched the Eskimos,
• They saw that the happiest, the most joyful moments in those Eskimo village,
• Were in the evening when they fed their sled dogs.
• They’d go out, and the dogs would yelp and wag their tails and get all excited.
• And so, out of that experience, they pulled the word for joy: "wagging their tails."
• When you translate our verse Eskimo style, it says,
• "I bring you good news, all people will wag their tails.".
• You gave me the title ‘overflowing joy’
• But if you examine the text, the word, ‘joy’ does not appear in the passage.
• The nearest we get to it is verse 46b, “with glad and sincere hearts”
• Now if you are glad about something, you are happy and pleased about it.
• So glad can be an alternative word for joy.
• In Greek language of the New Testament, the word for joy is ‘chara.’
• This describes a feeling of inner gladness, delight or rejoicing.
• This inner gladness leads to a cheerful heart,
• And a cheerful heart leads to cheerful behaviour.
• We see this joyful behaviour expressed by these Christians in four ways.
(1). Joy in Worship (vs 42 & 46-47).
• We are told that the early church was a ‘worshipping community’.
• We see that worship expressed in three simple ways,
“they devoted themselves to … (1). the breaking of bread (communion) (2). and to prayer’
(3). and to ‘praising God.”
• So, these Christians expressed their worship three simple ways,
• We are also told that they, ‘devoted themselves,’
• These Christians made worship a priority,
• Notice verse 46: they met together ‘every day.’
• That tells me they enjoyed, they found joy in worshipping together.
• One thing I have learnt over the years as a Christian,
• Is that everyone’s take on worship is different.
• If you ask a Pentecostal; an Anglican; a Brethren, a Methodist; a Baptist.
• Their answers will all probably differ.
• If you ask a young person, or an older Christian,
• Once again their answers may very well be different.
• However, you define it; or whatever your take or viewpoint is.
• One thing is I think we would all agree on,
• Worship is important and should be a priority in the life of every Christian.
• 3 Minute Theology 5.4: ‘What is Worship?’
• YouTube link: https://youtu.be/xoTiigkidzs
• Francis Chan, is an American Protestant author, teacher, and preacher.
• One Sunday after he preached, he stood by the exit door of the Church.
• One member of the congregation walked by and said to him,
• “Pastor I did not like those songs we sang this morning!”
• He replied, “That’s ok, because we were not worshipping you!”
• Our worship is focused on God, it may be expressed in a variety of ways and even styles,
• But if we lose sight of God, then we will lose the joy in our worship.
(2). Joy in Teaching (vs 42a)
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching”
• We are told that the early church was a ‘learning congregation’.
• N.I.V.: ‘They devoted themselves to the Apostle's teaching’.
• K.J.B.: “they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine”
• Preachers and sermons are often the butt of jokes,
• Some of us get criticised for our long sermons,
• e.g. How do you make a Trevor James sermon 30mins long? Ans: Cut it in half!
• Some preachers get criticised for the dullness of their sermons.
• e.g. Story of the preacher who stopped half way through his sermon and said to a woman,
• “Is your husband asleep, wake him up!”
• She replied, “You sent him to sleep, you wake him up!”
Quote: Robert Louis Stevenson:
• The Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer.
• Once wrote in his diary: “I have been to church today and I am not depressed.”