Overcoming Spiritual Blindness
Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Oct 13, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: Spiritual blindness is a great problem that has great consequences both on the life of the person and others around him. But there is a great cure through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Study Text: Numbers 22:26-30
- Balaam was unable to see the Angel of God standing on his way because he was blind spiritually.
- He was zealously pursuing a course that God is not pleased with, but being deceived with a fake assurance of the approval of God.
- Spiritual blindness is a condition that an individual has when he is unable to see God, or understand His message, and as a result, walking against the will of God.
- Although God is working all around us, pursuing us and showing us His glory, some people cannot perceive His divine workings due to spiritual blindness.
- A person who does not see God, does not know God, and unfortunately cannot profit spiritually.
- To be spiritually blind can also be translated as being spiritually ignorant, foolish and undiscerning. 1 Corinthians 2:14
- This means that to a spiritually blind individual, spiritual things are unreasonable and meaningless, and such individuals cannot benefit accordingly.
- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:
1. The Causes of Spiritual Blindness
2. The Consequences of Spiritual Blindness
3. The Cure for Spiritual Blindness
1. The Causes of Spiritual Blindness:
- There are several causes of Spiritual Blindness, some of which include the following:
1. Satanic Bondage
- Satan blinds human minds from understanding God's good news. This is the case with everyone who is yet to receive the free gift if Salvation, especially after several opportunities of hearing the gospel. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4.
2. Spiritual stubbornness
- When people deliberately and continually turn against God, He will allow them to be spiritually blind, as a way of dealing with their stubbornness. Matthew 13:15-16.
3. Not being filled with, or not yielding to the Holy Spirit.
- We must have God's Holy Spirit and yield to His guidance continually to be able to fully see spiritually. Romans 8:14, 1 Corinthians 2:9-11.
4. Being trapped by Lust.
- When one is engulfed by the lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh, spiritual blindness will be inevitable.
- Lust made Gehazi to be unable to discern the reason why Elisha refused the gifts brought by Namaan, and he went behind to collect them, which led to his destruction.
- Some Christians today are blinded by sinful lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Are you among this number?
5. Allegiance to False Teachers and Prophets.
- When one is being led by those in spiritual darkness, it will become difficult to be enlightened spiritually. Matthew 15:14, Isaiah 9:16.
- In Isaiah's day, false prophets caused God's people to err, and they led them astray.
- So also in our days, many false Prophets and teachers are misleading some brethren who do not love the truth. As a result, these brethren are walking in spiritual darkness. Matthew 7:15-18.
- Are you blindly following a preacher because he is very popular with great crowd or do you, as did the Bereans of Acts 17:11, search the Scriptures daily to determine whether or not the things that he teaches and preaches are true?
6. Hidden identity as a Believer.
- Some Christians are not bold to declare their identity as Christians because they fear what others may think.
- Some so-called gospel preachers, fear that they will lose their "jobs" or become unpopular if they speak the truth undiluted. Proverbs 29:25
- The apostles set perfect examples of fearlessness when Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than men. (Acts 5: 28 - 29)
7. Preconceived ideas or traditions
- Traditions has caused many to reject the truth of God's word without giving it a fair hearing.
- Many are entangled in religious error because they are unwilling to examine what they believe, teach, and practice and compare it to what the Bible teaches.
2. The Consequences of Spiritual Blindness.
- Spiritual blindness, if not dealt with through the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, has great consequences on the life of both the person and the people around him.
- Some of the consequences are enumerated below, but are not limited to the list.
1. Lack of understanding of the perfect will of God.
- When somebody is spiritually blind, he cannot fully discern or understand what the perfect will of God is.
- We can see the example of Balaam, who was going on a journey with an assurance of doing the will of God, but was surprised that God was against his going. Numbers 22:31.
2. Lack of understanding of God's provision and blessings
- A lot of things the Lord is doing that we cannot see or receive due to spiritual blindness.
- We can see Hagar crying because she needed a bottle of water, but there was a well of water provided by God that she could not see until God opened her eyes. Genesis 21:19.