
Overcoming Life's Delays

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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This sermon explores the reasons behind delays in life's journey and offers biblical solutions to overcome them.


Destiny is closely tied to time, and it is the primary target of the devil. Satan doesn't attack you because of your past; he troubles you because of your future. His goal is to delay you, as prolonged delay can lead to destruction. However, it will not be too late for you to overcome this delay and fulfill your destiny.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

In Matthew 25:1-12, we find the story of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and delayed purchasing oil for their lamps. When they finally returned, the door was shut, and they missed their opportunity. This parable teaches us that delay can be destructive. Therefore, we must be cautious and avoid unnecessary delays in our lives.

The Story of Lot

In Genesis 19:15-16, we see how Lot was delayed by strange forces. However, God sent angels to release him from this delay. Today, the angelic forces of God are here to set you free from any form of delay that has held you captive. God's plan is progress, while delay is the strategy of the devil.

Causes of Delay

To find a solution, we must first identify the causes of delay. Here are some common causes:

1. Indecision: Indecision leads to delay. When we fail to make up our minds promptly, we miss out on opportunities. We must avoid being double-minded, doubting ourselves, or harboring unbelief.

2. Negative Words: Our words have power. In Numbers 14:27-33, we learn that the Israelites murmured against God, and as a result, they were delayed for forty years. We must be careful with our words and instead speak words of praise and thanksgiving.

3. Closed Doors: Sometimes, our progress is hindered by closed doors. In Joshua 6:1-2, the enemies locked the gate, delaying the Israelites from entering the Promised Land. However, God has the power to open any closed door in our lives.

4. Curses: Curses can cause delay in our lives. When we operate under a curse, we will struggle until we are set free. Breaking free from curses involves repentance and living a righteous life.

5. Fear of Failure: Fear of failure can paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward. In Numbers 14, the Israelites feared the opposition and missed their chance to enter the Promised Land. We must embrace failure as a necessary step towards success and not let fear hold us back.

How to Overcome Delay

Now that we understand the causes of delay, here are two key ways to overcome it:

1. Righteousness: Living a righteous life is crucial in overcoming delay. In Joshua's time, the Israelites faced defeat because of the sin of one individual. We must examine our lives and repent of any hidden sins that may be hindering our progress.

2. Divine Intervention: God's intervention can break the yoke of delay in our lives. Just as God intervened to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh's oppression, He can also intervene in our situations. We must trust in His power and seek His guidance and help.


Delay can be destructive, but with God's help, we can overcome it. By living a righteous life and seeking divine intervention, we can break free from the chains of delay and fulfill our destinies. Today is the day to take action and move forward towards your God-given purpose.

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