
Overcoming Hell's Gates

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Christ builds His church and Satan cannot prevail because he does not have the right. The church has the authority to defeat Satan.


Jesus said, "On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" (Matthew 16:18, NIV). In biblical times, city gates were fortified to protect against enemy armies. The gates were the only entrance to the city, and anyone who wanted to enter had to seek permission from the king. The king would send a representative to assess the person's intentions before granting access. This cautious approach ensured the safety of the city and its inhabitants.

Similarly, the church faces an enemy - Satan. From the beginning, Satan has sought to deceive and destroy humanity. However, God warns us about his schemes so that we can be prepared and emerge victorious in the battle. God has given us authority over the forces of the enemy, and we can defeat Satan through Christ.

1. The Church's Adversary - Satan

Satan is constantly trying to deceive and destroy us. God wants us to overcome him and stand firm in the face of evil. We must remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:10-12). We have been equipped with spiritual weapons to destroy the strongholds of the enemy (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Jesus has given us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). We have been empowered to cast out demons in Jesus' name (Mark 16:17).

2. Vigilance against Satan's Agents

As believers, we must be vigilant against Satan's agents who try to deceive and distract us from our faith. They may appear harmless or even offer enticing things, but their ultimate goal is to lead us away from God. They want to rob us of our joy, peace, and devotion to God. We must be cautious and not allow ourselves to be entangled in the affairs of the world to the point where we neglect our relationship with God and His church.

3. The Foundation of the Church

Jesus declared, "On this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18, NIV). The rock refers to Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. The church is built upon the truth of Christ, not on religious rituals or customs. It is a relationship with God that sets us free from sin and darkness.

The church is not merely a place for socializing or entertainment; it is where we encounter God. Just as God dwelled among His people in the tabernacle, He now dwells among us in the church. Therefore, the gates of Hades cannot prevail against the church because Christ Himself is its builder, and He is more powerful than Satan.

4. The Gates of Hades

The gates of Hades represent the entrance to hell, where Satan tries to tempt and deceive us. He constantly seeks to lead lost souls to eternal damnation. However, as believers, we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, and our sins have been forgiven. Satan may accuse us, but we have victory through Christ. No scheme or strategy of the devil can overpower the church of Christ. We have authority to overcome his works and emerge victorious.

5. The Church's Triumph

The church not only resists Satan's attacks but also advances and rescues souls from his grasp. Many who were once on the path to destruction have found salvation through knowing the truth of God. This fulfills God's promise to Abraham that his descendants would possess the gates of their enemies (Genesis 22:17). As children of Abraham by faith, we too possess the gates of our spiritual enemy. We prevail against Satan when we remain faithful to God and actively lead others to salvation.

6. Closing Exhortation

Satan can only enter our lives if we open the door to him. We must resist temptation, avoid justifying sinful behavior, and guard against negative attitudes such as discouragement, complaining, and criticism. Let us stand firm and remain faithful to God.


We are grateful to be children of God, forgiven and empowered to overcome the forces of darkness. Satan's schemes cannot prevail against the church of Christ. We have authority to demolish his strongholds and rescue souls for God's kingdom. If you are unsure of your salvation, now is the time to reconcile with God. He loves you and wants to set you free from the dominion of Satan. God can transform your life if you ask Him. Let us stand firm in faith and be faithful witnesses for Christ.

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