
Overcoming Fear with Faith

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Fear can paralyze us, both as individuals and as a church. God, however, calls us to transition from fear to faith.


Fear can have a paralyzing effect on churches and individual Christians, hindering their growth and effectiveness. However, God desires for us to transition from fear to faith. In this sermon, we will explore the effects of fear, how it hinders our love for God, creates a spirit of slavery, and suppresses action. Let us understand the importance of moving from fear to faith in our lives and in the church.

I. Fear Prevents a Perfected Love for God (1 John 4:16-19)

Fear and love for God may seem contradictory, but John explains that fear inhibits our ability to love God fully. We should not cringe in fear of God but rather revere Him with a healthy respect. God desires our reverence, respect, and obedience, not our fear. Our love for God is a response to His love for us, not the other way around.

II. Fear Creates a Spirit of Slavery (Romans 8:15-17)

Fear can enslave us, preventing personal and congregational growth. Some individuals are afraid to act because they fear making mistakes or angering God. This fear stems from a misunderstanding of God's character. As children of God, we have been adopted into His family and are heirs with Christ. We should not be enslaved by fear but embrace the spirit of adoption, which allows us to call God our loving Father.

III. Fear Suppresses Action

Fear often hinders personal spiritual growth and congregational progress. People tend to focus on potential obstacles, "what ifs," and the comfort of playing it safe. This defeatist attitude prevents churches from implementing new ministries, making necessary changes, and experiencing growth. We need fearless leaders like Joshua and Caleb who trust in God's strength and step out in faith, even when it is unpopular.


Fear is a powerful weapon that Satan uses against the church. Whether real or imagined, fear can gradually destroy the church if allowed to take hold. We must recognize that fear is not from God and choose to move from fear to faith. Just as Black Bart, the notorious stagecoach robber, was revealed to be an ordinary man, fear often disguises itself as something more significant than it truly is. Let us not allow fear to rob us of the joy, enthusiasm, potential, and growth that God desires for His people.

In conclusion, let us make a conscious effort to overcome fear and embrace faith. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). By trusting in God's love for us and responding with love and obedience, we can break free from the chains of fear. As we move from fear to faith, we will experience the abundant life that God has promised us.

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