
Summary: Four steps to overcome depression like Elijah.

Overcoming Depression

1 Kings 19:4


A. Illus. Debbie Downer - Jingle:

"You’re enjoying your day, everything’s going your way

Then, along comes Debbie Downer!

Always there to tell you about a new disease

A car accident or killer bees.

You’ll beg her to spare you, "Debbie, please."

But you can’t stop Debbie Downer!"

B. Depression one of most serious problems afflicting modern society. Each year multiplied thousands take own lives because of depression.

C. Need to avoid over-simplification; become Christian does not automatically solve all problems, does enable us to deal!

D. Some of God’s greatest servants experienced depression:

1. Moses – Numbers 11:1-15

2. David – Psalms 31:9-13

3. Job – 7:2-3

4. Jeremiah – 20:14-18

E. A classic example of per suffering from the I-want-to-die kind of depression, but overcoming it = Elijah!

F. Here are four steps to overcoming depression!

1. Maintain Good Physical Condition.

a. What started Elijah back on the road to good mental, and spiritual health – 1 Kings 19:5-6.

- Depression due in part to phy. Condition

- Exhausted; needed food & rest

b. Contributes to good mental and spiritual health.

- Eat Right – 1 Samuel 28:22; Proverbs 23:2; 25:16

- Sleep Right – Ecclesiastes 5:12

- Exercise – 1 Timothy 4:8

2. Talk About Your Problems.

a. God found Elijah hiding in a cave.

- 1 Kings 19:9

- Poured out heart - 19:10

- Poor me, what have I done to deserve this!

- God let Elijah talk it out.

b. Talking about problem is vital to our finding a solution, speak to friend, trust, confide in, complete openness!

3. Get A Fresh View of God.

a. Complaining, feeling sorry, only one left.

- Alone, No One: understood; appreciated; cared.

- His depression was worsened because…

- Tuned out everyone but self; Forgot: God, victory on Mt. Carmel, the 7,000.

- Read 19:11-12

b. Never overcome unless spend time w/ God.

- Talk to God – Philippians 4:6; He already knows, but prayer is for your good, not for God!

- Let God talk to you – Psalms 119:105

- Look at the God of : Isaiah 12, Matthew 6:33, Philippians 4:13

4. Get Busy

a. God gave Elijah something to do – 19:15-16

- Had shed enough tears of self-pity!

- Was time to get back to work!

b. It’s a foolish statement, “don’t have anything to do”.

- No wonder depressed!

- Look around, plenty to do! Search and find it!

- John 4:35; good medicine for depression also.

- Get to work for God!


a. Depression almost always related to self-centeredness: James 3:16.

b. Debbie Downer! J

c. Maintain Good Physical Condition; Talk About Problems; Get a Fresh View of God; & Get Busy!

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