
Summary: “Whatever you do in life becomes your platform to teach about Jesus!” - Phil Robertson

Credit to Dr. David Platt, I got this sermon from one of his sermons.

Our Working God

1 Corinthians 10:31


Too many times we dis-associate our work from our faith. Too many times the Christian thinks that either they should keep their faith to themselves at work, or on the other extreme if they aren’t leading a lunch-time Bible study somehow they aren’t fulfilling God’s will! Neither are necessarily true. It would be great if we could lead studies at work, but that’s not always possible. It is possible to live out our faith in the workplace though! By our actions and words we can bring glory to God in any place at any time! What does God think of work, and how should the Christian feel about their work?

1. God Delights in work!

A. God is a God who works! He creates, sustains, nurtures, & provides! Your breath

is evidence of His work, your heart is beating because of His work, if God were to

stop working, so would you!

1. Genesis 1-2, Psalms 104:10-30, Proverbs 8:27-31, 1 Corinthians 3:5-11

2. He works for us and through us!

B. God designed our work! Genesis 1:26-30, Psalm 8

1. Work was going on long before sin was brought into the mix by Mankind. Part of

“bearing the image of God” involves work! By His grace, for our Good, and to

His glory! Ephesians 6:5-7, Colossians 3:16-17

2. The Bible doesn’t teach us to work 1 day and rest 6! Or even to rest and work

evenly! NO work is something we can take in LARGE doses! Leisure and

pleasure are great, but we can only take so much of them.

2. God Designed us to Work!

A. In work we’re reflecting the glory of God, there’s no mindless or meaningless

job, No sense of futility or frustration! Work is a mark of Human dignity! – This is

huge! Ecclesiastes 9:9-11

B. Thinking of work as just a way to get by, “just a paycheck” is actually unbiblical.

C. Our work is a display of God’s character. Proverbs 8:27-31; And this should

bring dignity to the worst job!

D. We are designed to work, and to gain joy from our work! Just as God in heaven

enjoys His work! If He came to earth what would He be like? If Greek –

Philosopher? If Roman – a just and Noble statesman, if an American – a champion of business? Remember He did come! As a Hebrew – a Carpenter! Not wealthy, not to be praised by men, just an honest, hard-working job.

E. We create, build, serve, fix, construct, plan, teach, provide, design, organize,

count, prove, sale, protect, persuade! We work! As we work, we take care of

this world that God entrusted to us as stewards – for His glory! Genesis 1:26-30

F. (Keller quote)

3. God Destined our work to Bear Fruit!

A. First our work benefits our families. 1 Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 31:10-27

B. Work benefits us. Self-worth is often joined to our work. 1 Kings 19:12-18

C. Our work benefits God in the church! Create relationships, build ties that open

hearts! Do Good – Ephesians 2:10, Take the gospel to those in need!

Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2

D. (Phil Robertson quote) - “Whatever you do in life becomes your platform to teach about Jesus!”


A. God Delights in work! God Designed us to Work! God Destined our work to Bear Fruit!

B. H, B, R, C, BB, LF

Keller Quote - “Farming takes the physical material of soil and seed and produces food. Music takes the physics of sound and rearranges it into something beautiful and thrilling that brings meaning to life. When we take fabric and make a piece of clothing, when we push a broom and clean up a room, when we use technology to harness the forces of electricity, when we take an unformed, naïve human mind and teach it a subject, when we teach a couple how to resolve their relational disputes, when we take simple materials and turn them into a poignant work of art—we are continuing God’s work of forming, filling, and subduing. Whenever we bring order out of chaos, whenever we draw out creative potential, whenever we elaborate and “unfold” creation beyond where it was when we found it, we are following God’s pattern of creative cultural development. In fact, our word “culture” comes from this idea of cultivation. Just as he subdued the earth in his work of creation, so he calls us now to labor as his representatives in a continuation and extension of that work of subduing.” (p. 59) Timothy Keller, “Every Good Endeavor”

Credit to Dr. David Platt, I got this sermon from one of his sermons.

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