
Summary: God will provide.

Text: Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Introduction: Do you have needs today? If so, what or who are you trusting in to meet those needs? If you are going to God and fully trusting him then those needs will be met. God promises us that He will meet all of our need as his people. All to often people seemingly suffer need because their faith in God to meet their need is so little. Trust in God and Him alone, He will never fail you.

Today by God’s wonderful help we would like to consider our unfailing God, and His ability to meet our need.

I. Notice if you will the Source of the apostle’s supply. (4:19)

“…My God shall…”

The Apostle Paul was trusting in none other than God to meet his needs. He did not put his trust in man or anything else. He placed his trust firmly in God and God alone.

Notice two things with me about our God, and why we can trust him to meet our needs:

A. His Unbroken Promises.

God has never made a promise that He has not kept. If He tells you he will do something then you can bank on it. Here in our text He promises us that He will meet all of our need, and that is a promise that He will not break.

B. His Undiluted Power.

We are not talking about someone who makes a promise that does not have the power to carry that promise out. God Is infinite in power. His promises are backed by His undiluted power. God has the power to back up what He says that He will do.

II. Notice if you will the Surety of the apostle’s supply. (4:19)


Paul was quite confident that God would meet his needs, and I am confident that He will meet ours as well. There are two things that inspire such confidence in my heart; notice them if you will:

A. The Love of God inspires such confidence.

B. The Loyalty of God inspires such confidence.

III. Notice if you will the Scope of the apostle’s supply. (4:19)

“…All your need…”

Paul had confidence that he would not have want for any need; God would meet them all.

God always meets our needs. Notice with me two facts concerning our needs that are met by God:

A. God meets our needs in a Timely manner.

You may not seemingly have everything you need today, however when you truly need it God will see to it that you have it.

B. God meets our needs in a Total manner.

He promises us that He will meet all of our needs, and that is exactly what He will do. When God meets the need, the need is abolished; He meets it totally.

IV. Notice if you will the Substance of the apostle’s supply. (4:19)

“…According to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Notice two things with me about the substance of the apostle’s supply:

A. The Means that He will use to bring it to pass.

“…According to his riches in glory…”

B. The Man that He will use to bring it to pass.

“…By Christ Jesus.”

God says that He will meet our needs out of the inexhaustible supply of his riches through His darling only begotten son. In other words, if you are found in Christ as a child of God, or if you have been accepted in the beloved He will see to it that your needs are met. There is no promise from God about meeting the needs of those who are lost, He only promise to meet the needs of His children.

Conclusion: Are you trusting God to meet all of your need? If not I urge you to throw your self unreservedly and totally upon him. It is His desire to take care of His little ones.

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