
Summary: If you are spiritually lost or unsure of salvation, today you can become a son of God by redemption and regeneration in Christ Jesus. You have to believe that he died in your place to pay your sins.

Intro: There are those that believe in the so-called “universal Fatherhood of God” and the “universal brotherhood of men.” However, the Holy Bible makes it very clear that, spiritually speaking, there are two fathers: God and Satan (see I John 3:10). Today, we shall talk about our spiritual sonship.

1. Position of Sonship (v.1) – "Called the Sons of God"

A. Power to Become a Son (John 1:12)

B. Superiority Over a Servant (Gal. 4:7)

2. Proof of Sonship (v.1) – "What Manner of Love"

A. Confirmation of God’s Love (I John 3:16)

B. Durability of God's Love (Rom. 8:38-39)

C. Discipline of God's Love (Heb. 12:6)

3. Persecution of Sonship (v.1) – "The World Knoweth Us Not"

A. As They Persecuted Christ (John 15:18)

B. As Indication of our Sonship (John. 17:14)

4. Present-ness of Sonship (v.2) – "Now Are We the Sons of God"

A. Not Something We Hope To Receive in the Future

B. But Something We Already Have Right Now

5. Perfection of Sonship (v.2) – "We Shall Be Like Him"

A. We Are Not Yet Perfected (Eph. 4:13)

B. We Shall Be Changed (I Cor. 15:52)

C. We Shall Be Like Him (Phil. 3:21)

6. Promise of Sonship (v.3) – "Hath This Hope In Him"

A. The Hope of Glorification (II Cor. 5:2)

B. The Source of Glorification (Col. 1:27)

7. Purification of Sonship (v.3) – "Purifieth Himself"

A. We Purify Ourselves (II Cor. 7:1)

B. We Live Holy Lives (I Pet. 1:15)

Conclusion: If you are spiritually lost or unsure of salvation, today you can become a son of God by redemption and regeneration in Christ Jesus. You have to believe that he died in your place to pay your sins.

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